UGM Conducts Research on Cancer Therapy in Rats


Today, Pkl. 10:05 WIB • Read: 34 times •

MedanBisnis – Medan. faculty
Biology of Gadjah Mada University examines CCT or Electro-Capacitive
Cancer therapy. The mice became experimental animals in the study, and
the results of his research will be published at the 50th World Congress of Europe
Association of Cancer Research (EACR) held in Amsterdam,
Netherlands, June 30 to July 3, 2018.

ECCT or Electro-capacitive
Cancer Therapy is a technology of cancer therapy based on electricity
capacitance developed by Dr. Warsito P Taruno and PT team
C-Tech Lab Technology Edwar, Tangerang, Banten. The ECCT patent has pbaded
by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in September 2017 with the number

Research carried out in the laboratory belonging to the Faculty
UGM Biology in 2017 is a follow-up of the research
beginning of 9 rats performed in Bimana Indomedical together
researchers at Bimana and the Primary Animal Study Center IPB. Currently searching ECCT
also conducted at Dr. Soetomo Surabaya hospital for funded clinical research
by Kemenristekdikti.
Search results submitted by the chief
Biophysics Laboratory Dr. Firman Alamsyah said, C-Tech Labs
claiming that ECCT is able to inhibit the growth rate of cancer cells on

The appropriate data, he continued, show the level of inhibition
the average initial growth of 0.121 cm2 / day is reduced to
average 0.01 cm2 / day or average rate of inhibition reaching
up to 92% in volume.
"Blood laboratory results and anatomic pathology
against the rat tissue also showed no change
which is important in kidney and liver function, heart rate and
the number of blood cells in tumors induced by mice and mice
people in good health given the ECCT electric field exposure, "he said through the broadcast
the press received MedanBisnis in Medan on Wednesday (4/7).

He explained,
results of anatomical pathology of tumor tissue showing increased activity
white blood cells (lymphocytes) and macrophage cells are more dominant
Mouse gave the exposure of an electric field, "he said.
He claims
this indicates that the ECCT encourages the work of the immune system
the body becomes more active by producing white blood cells and cells
more macrophages to eat and absorb cancer cells
is dead.

He said the results of research on mice at UGM
shows the death process of different cancer cells that are
commonly grouped into three, namely the lysis process (integer) yang
characterized by a tumor nodule that gradually narrows
lost Then the process of posting is marked by the process
tumor nodules that gradually darken, dry and detach from
his position left an open wound that gradually later
it dries and closes itself.
"In addition, the cystic process
which is characterized by a solid nodule that turns into a liquid cyst
(necrosis) with volumes that tend to widen but
soften / melt, "he explained.

He explained that the process of cell death
Such cancers can occur because the ECCT works in harmony with
activity of the body's immune system in mice, so that death
occurs naturally. (Dewi syahruni lubis)

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