UISI, 62.1% of the population of Gresik are not aware of technology based on halal behavior


GRESIK, KANALINDONESIA.COM: Regency Gresik is known as the city of Santri where the majority of the population is Muslim and supported by the vision of Gresik Regency to realize the religious Gresik. A group of students from Universitas International Semen Indonesia (UISI) took the initiative to examine the behavior of halal technology in Gresik, Monday 16/7/2018.

One of the obligations of the Muslim community is to consume halal products. Halal or Haram, the MUI has been launching the MUI Halal app since 2014. But not everyone in Gresik knows it.

"The result is quite surprising that only 62.1% of the population of Gresik studied is not aware of halal behavior based on technology,"

Through the method of quantitative research, the results obtained are quite surprising.

The number of respondents is 209 people in the Gresik Regency who are productive (18-40 years old) and the majority of students have a low awareness of halal behavior. Because the people of this Santri city who have the latest Android smartphone are considered less wise using the technology provided by MUI to establish the conscious behavior of halal

The majority of respondents are unaware that barcode products are also integrated (19659003) This halal conscious research was conducted for six months and consists of three students in UISI information systems: Mr. Adhi Putra Benowo, Juliana Kristi and Ilham Cahya Son of Ramadan. The research costs come from the PKM PSH grant of the Ministry of Research and Higher Education. "The existence of this PKM research team is able to improve halal conscious behavior especially in the Gresik community," Adhi concluded. (lan)


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