Unair students created a monitoring device for heart failure


  Illustration of the heart rate monitor

Illustration of the heart rate monitor. |

April Cat / Shutterstock

Three students from the Airlangga University (Unair), Surabaya, innovate in the medical field. They created prototypes (19459018) prototypes ) to monitor the condition of patients with heart failure, or who had experienced the disease, more easily at a more affordable price.

Menukil Tribunnews.com 15/7/2018), a prototype called Wearable T-Shirt and Wearable Electrocardiograph was equipped with a pick signal fabric electrod under the form of electrodes that can be attached to the clothes.

As a result, sophisticated electronic clothing will allow users to move more freely and comfortably in activities such as exercise

Wealth is also able to operate wirelessly and integrated with the Internet. (19459019)

"Our team hopes that this tool will be used by the community, especially by medical staff and patients with heart failure," said Ahmad Nurianto, head of the team's team. Student creativity program. Research Eksakta (PKM-PE)

Ahmad and two colleagues, Difa Fanani Ismayanto and Ahmad Alif Robit Alhazmi, are students of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Unair who created wealth.

Ahmad added that Wealth technology can help improve the heart condition of patients after heart failure. Thus, he added, this monitor also has the potential to suppress the high mortality rate due to heart failure in the country.

Medical News Today launch, heart failure is a condition when the heart continues to beat, According to the 2013 Health Research Association of the Department of Health, the estimated number of people with heart failure over 15 years is estimated at more than 200 thousand people. More common in East Java and at least in North Maluku

Heart failure is usually incurable and requires proper management for long-term management. For patients with heart failure or who have suffered from this disease, it is strongly recommended to regularly exercise, especially aerobic.

If the exercise is done according to the recommendations, heart muscle strength contracted by heart failure can be repaired However, continues Ahmad, doctors often have trouble monitoring the condition of patients because of the distance and condition of patients who can not go directly to the hospital or meet the doctor directly after exercise

. Unair's official website, a tool used to monitor heart disease or the electrocardiograph has some disadvantages. Among the high prices and the large dimensions, the gel electrode can make some people uncomfortable, causing skin allergies.

Therefore, the problem leads Ahmad and the team to innovate to create wealth, "In the future we will also publish In international journals indexed by Scopus, he said that

The Srait Times (11/7/2018), a team of Singapore scientists apparently developed a prototype design on the shirt

The smart shirt features an electrode and a flexible hybrid electronic named sensors that can be removed and connected directly to smart phone applications.

The plan, the smart shirt made by a team of Singapore scientists will be able to track physical activity and pace Its users' heart rate, electrocardiography (ECG) and maximum aerobic capacity All this allows its users to monitor the ECG every day, rather than having to do an annual checkup.

Nevertheless, the breakthrough of Unair students in the young age is very proud and must be appreciated. Through these innovations, Wealth Prototype has been awarded a Kemenristekdikti Research Fellowship in PKM 2018, under the direction of Akif Rahmatillah ST, MT., FST UNAIR Speaker.

This achievement has enriched a list of results of the nation's children in the medical field, heart disease.

Previously, in 2017, five Unair FST students created a surgical glue glue (surgical glue) as a solution to overcome heart leakage in infants.

Then, other Unair students also created a conbad heart disease surveillance tool called Stevity or Smart Telemonitoring and Blood Viscosity.

Beginning of 2018, five students from Diponegoro University (Undip) win a silver medal at the prestigious iENA International Exhibition. New Products Germany in Nurmberg, Germany.

The high mortality rate from heart disease in Indonesia prompted them to create a smart cardiac sensing instrument called the SAD-Heart / Smart Alert Detection of Heart, which detects spontaneous changes in heart rate and prevents attacks. abrupt. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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