Unconsciously, this is 9 benefits of sweat for the body


RAKYATKU.COM – Sweating on the human body is produced by the sweat glands as a bodily effort to adjust to room temperature. Normally, sweat comes out when the body is doing draining activity, eating spicy food or being nervous.

Although things seem trivial, do you know the function of sweat for body health? Here are the benefits of sweating that you can get, including:

1. Sweating maintains cold body temperature

The main function of sweating is useful for regulating body temperature, which cools the temperature of your body while performing unusual activity. Sweating is very important for the body's natural cooling process.

2. Cleansing toxins from the body

Another sweat function that is often overlooked is sweat that helps the body naturally get rid of toxins. A study has shown that sweat contains many types of compounds, including small amounts of potentially toxic metals, such as cadmium, aluminum and manganese.

This is the main reason why sweating is considered a detoxifier. Keep in mind that 2 to 5 million sweat glands in human skin can play an important role in the elimination of many toxic substances present in the body.

Maintaining Healthy Skin

Sweat contains small amounts of antibiotics that can fight naturally occurring bacteria on the skin. The benefits of perspiration can also clean the pores to make the skin shinier and smoother. A large amount of perspiration can also slow the signs of premature aging and reduce the effects of skin lesions.

4. Streamline Blood Circulation

Another equally important function of sweat is to help improve the health of the heart and blood vessels. When the body warms up and sweats, the heart works harder to improve blood circulation. This mechanism is beneficial for long-term health

5. Against Infection

Some health experts claim that sweating can deflect methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a malignant bacterium responsible for some difficult-to-treat infections

"Sweat plays a important role in the fight against harmful bacteria. fungus on the skin, "says Adam Friedman, MD, FAAD, a doctor at the Dermatology Center.This is because sweat contains nitrites, where once it reaches the skin's surface it will be converted to nitric oxide, a powerful gas with antibacterial and antifungal properties

"Sweat also contains a natural antimicrobial antibiotic called Dermicidin, which kills MRSA and other bad bacteria that are on the surface of the skin," said Friedman, dilating Dokersehat.

6. Lowering Stress

Although not directly related, the function of sweat is to reduce stress or improve mood. However, increasing body heat through exercise or the sauna has a positive effect. Endorphins and other chemicals released during exercise naturally improve mood and reduce stress.

7. Prevent Asthma

If you sweat a lot after exercise, this allows you to minimize the onset of asthma. According to a study from the University of Michigan, sweating can help reduce the risk of asthma.

8. Burning Calories

The benefits of sweat that many people believe are diet can help you lose weight. When the body is heated during exercise, the body fat dissolves in the water and comes out of the body through sweat. Sweating can burn 300 calories per hour.

9. Helps fight the disease

The sweat function that is often not performed is able to overcome some minor ailments. Have you ever wondered why the body sweats when it is feverish? The elimination of perspiration is the way that the body tells the immune system to fight the disease.

"Increased metabolic activity boosts the immune system, so when you have a fever, sweating is the way your body tries to heal itself," said Christian Nix, MA, L.Ac, licensed Chinese doctor and acupuncturist

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