Uric acid and rheumatism seem different Diseases, consumption of drinks and food must be overcome


TRIBUNJABAR.ID – You must know, gout and rheumatism are two different diseases.

When you see the symptoms that are felt, the two disturbances in this body are almost the same.

Uric acid and rheumatism pain of the body joints.

These two diseases are included in the category of joint pain.

Report of hellosehat, the fundamental difference is the cause.

Uric acid appears to be too acidic (19459006) uric acid ) on the body

The uric acid then accumulates and becomes a pile of crystals. (19459006) Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoinum disease that makes joints stiff and inflamed.

The inflammation is caused by a disrupted immune system. then attacks healthy body joints and damages them.

Symptoms experienced by people with uric acid include joint pain, especially in the big toe, which then spread to the joints of the legs

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