Want to know how your wedding life thanks to the sexual intensity


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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.


Vemale.com – How Your Sexual Life After Marriage May Reveal a Marriage. The intimacy of badual intercourse is not just how often you and your partner do it. In addition, this relationship can reveal how your marriage and your spouse.

All married couples who often have bad do not have a happy married life, and vice versa. Extract from purewow.com, Tuesday (24/7/2018), here is your married life seen from the intensity of bad, curious?

1. If you have bad once a week

The average married couple does it. Married couples usually have bad 51 times in 1 year.

Only 5% of married couples have bad at least 3 times a week. According to a study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, having bad once a week can maximize feelings of happiness.

2. If you have bad more often than before

You are not alone. Married couples were found to have bad more frequently than when they were single.

In addition, oral bad is mostly practiced by married couples. Yes, according to the research carried out, married couples are more likely to satisfy badual desire than when they are single.

3. If you have not had bad yet 1 year later

There are about 15% of married couples who have not had bad in the last 6 months, even 1 year. The study also found that married couples without bad were more likely to divorce rather than badually active married couples.

However, again, there is no ideal level of badual activity. The ideal level can be reached if couples who have bad are also happy.

4. If a child kills your libido

Studies show that overall bad satisfaction will worsen after an official married couple becomes parent. During the first year after having a child, the father will experience a testosterone decrease of about one-third and the man who helps the childcare will continue to experience a 20% drop .

If you have been with your partner for a long time

There is a good chance that you have less desire to have bad. When married couples have been together for some time, the presence of one and the other will seem boring.

6. If you want a lasting relationship with a partner

Lasting relationships allow you to get to know yourself. Over time, you will also have a higher level of trust in your partner, including in terms of bad.

So who are you and your partner? Share yuk in the comments field and hope this information is useful

Source: liputan6.com

(vem / apl)

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