Want your eyes to stay healthy in the digital age? Come on, follow these 6 Ways-PortalMadura.com


PortalMadura.Com – In the era of growing digital technology, the view can be threatened because of the way of life. According to Jim Stringham, neuroscientist (19459008) at the University of Georgia, just two hours of being or watching a computer screen have the potential to develop a visual syndrome, as in the case of the myopia or myopia. computer or often called 90 percent digital eye strain.

Worse, this condition can trigger various problems such as blurred vision and dry eyes, and upper pain and head. Part of the damage is likely to taste the high energy blue light emitted by gadgets that can damage retinal cells due to macular degeneration.

Experts say that 80% of vision problems can be cured or avoided. By changing some daily habits, you can keep your eyes well.

Here are six ways to keep eye health in the digital age:

Sitting at about 20 inches off the computer screen
Sit n '# 39; is not too close the screen can shrink the eyes, reducing headaches and reduces the risk of computer vision syndrome

Give the Screen Protector
Bright light and the sun bounce off the monitor and throw it into the eyes. irritation. Give filters or shields too bright a beam. Reduce the brightness level of your computer or gadget.


Enlarged text on your gadget
In fact, your eyes struggle to read text or text on a screen composed of pixels with blurred edges eyes. The writing you see should be three times the smallest size you can read from your normal position.

Apply Rule 20-20
Every 20 minutes, try to see something at 20 feet for 20 seconds. This is to relax the eye muscles and reduce the symptoms of pesudomyopia.

Keep Your Eyes Flowing From the Water
If your eyes are dry, apply eye drops for two to three hours to keep the eyes fluid. Dry eyes can trigger irritation.

Eating Spinach
A study showed that people taking daily supplements of lutein and zeaxanthin (equivalent to 2 large bowls of spinach a day) for six months reported 29% of Retina in the eye absorbs most of the nutrients found in spinach and uses it to filter blue rays that damage the eyes.

You can also keep the eye moist by slowly closing your eyes. for two seconds, tighten for 2 seconds, then reopen. Repeat this exercise once an hour to help keep the surface moist. (metrotvnews.com/Salimah)

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