Warning! Often ignored, early symptoms of cancer seem similar to the symptoms of regular flu


TRIBUNBATAM.id – The state of health of a person is different. Therefore, the awareness of the disease must be further increased

This is also suspected because of the rapid development of the disease and can certainly harm and threaten health.

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One of the diseases most feared is cancer.

varied with various symptoms, invisible or visible in the long term even when the patient entered the final stages

It can be said that cancer is the most watched disease because the treatment is quite difficult and requires considerable costs [19659002] [ReportedbyLiveStrongAnexperthealthwithCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention(CDC)ExplanationTypicalSymptomsHaveEasilybeenRecognizedSinceTheBeginning

What surprises us is that the symptoms are almost similar to those of a person. ] These are the various symptoms of cancer that appear and are similar to the flu!

Fever and Shiver

Fever and N Shivering cancer patients, such as those with influenza, are often misinterpreted

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