What are the causes of HIV and fever or not?


HIV-positive people usually experience a decrease in the immune system. That is why, people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA) are very susceptible to various diseases. Well, various types of diseases can be characterized by the emergence of a high fever in people living with HIV. This condition is often called HIV fever

What is anti-HIV fever?

Like other types of viruses, the HIV virus can spread and infect a person in a variety of ways. When a person has been positively infected with HIV, there will be various symptoms. From mild to heavy. For example, frequent night sweats, joint pain, sore throat, body chills, redness of the skin and weight loss.

Well, fever is one of the most common symptoms of the disease. Yes, fever that is quite high compared to fever in general, can even accompany a great feeling of cold (fever). Behind that, there are several reasons that cause HIV fever.

What Causes HIV Fever?

There are various reasons underlying an HIV sufferer may have a fever. Perhaps as a negative reaction to drug use, as well as a symptom of other medical conditions. But in addition, there are other things that can also trigger the HIV fever, among them:

1. Acute HIV Status

A person who has recently contracted HIV is considered to be in the initial phase of infection. This phase is often called acute or primary infection with HIV. Usually, new HIV symptoms appear between two and four weeks after the virus enters the body of a person.

As mentioned earlier, the symptoms may be a fever accompanied by sore throat, rash, night sweats, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes

In fact still quite normal, since fever is an immune response to the presence of viral infections. Thus, when a person is infected with acute HIV, the fever acts as a sign that the immune system is still functioning well

2. Opportunistic Infections

For people who have had HIV long enough to develop AIDS, HIV fever may be a sign of opportunistic infection. This infection can occur because the body system is weak, making the fight against infection difficult.

Some types of opportunistic infections, mild to severe, include:

  • Pneumonia
  • Tuberculosis
  • Bronchitis
  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
  • Herpes simplex
  • Candidiasis
  • Esophagitis herpetic

3. Cancer

Serious complications of HIV can actually make cancer cells grow in the body, especially in people living with HIV who have a greatly reduced immune system. This is what causes the growth and development of cancer cells.

PHAs are at higher risk of developing cancer that can cause fever, for example:

  • Lymphoma
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Kaposi's Sarcoma
  • ] Prostate Cancer

How long can fevers last in the body of a patient?

The duration of anti-HIV fever is not always the same in everyone. It depends on the cause and how it is done to overcome it. Not only that, HIV fever can also occur at any time and patterns are uncertain. Because, the early stages of HIV disease usually lasts a few months a year.

For example, the fever that occurs due to opportunistic infections, then the time can be triggered by the type of infection, treatment and condition of your body. However, when fever is caused by a reaction to drug consumption, the duration depends on the type of medication, the duration of the drug and the condition of the patient.

How is the treatment effective? depending on the severity and causes, but in many cases it would be desirable to multiply the rest and provide body fluids.

Consumption of certain medications such as acetaminophen (paracetamol) or ibuprofen may also be another option. If HIV fever is caused by an opportunistic infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, antivirals and other appropriate medications.

Indeed, most fevers are mild and self-destructive. But, in some cases, fever can be a sign of a serious problem requiring special treatment.

Essentially, early diagnosis and treatment help relieve fever and symptoms. That is why people with a suspected fever or HIV-positive people who have fever should not delay in immediately consulting the doctor, as well as the best treatment.

A person diagnosed with HIV should seek immediate medical attention. This can be a sign of an opportunistic infection or a problem with the medication that is being undertaken. Because if it is not treated immediately, it has not been ruled out that the state of health could worsen.

Article entitled "What are the causes of HIV and fever or not? "From Hello Sites in Health


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