What's a healthier, cold or hot coffee?


Jakarta – Coffee lovers, which do you prefer: cold or hot coffee?

According to research conducted by scientists and chemists from the University of Philadelphia and Thomas Jefferson University, hot coffee is healthier because it contains higher levels of antioxidants. The reason is the manufacturing process or more commonly called brewing.

Hot coffee is usually simply prepared and brewed for several minutes with boiling water. While the coffee is cold or you drink cold, keep it safe for 3 to 24 hours with water at room temperature. Coffee with cold brewing technique is more in demand because the taste is not too acidic. The industry with this technique increased to 580 percent between 2011 and 2016.

The study compared the two and concluded that the process of flash heating in hot coffee creates more total titratable acid. This acid content is helpful in helping the body suck oxygen throughout the body, while cold coffee reduces this benefit because of its long-term manufacturing.

"Coffee contains a lot of antioxidants.If you drink it regularly (not too much), research shows that it can be very helpful.We find that hot coffee has more antioxidant power," said Niny Rao, PhD, chemist and coffee lover. , city of Daily mail.

Meanwhile, the claim that cold brew is no longer an acid is also indisputable. Their results indicate that the two coffees with different techniques have almost identical levels of acidity or pH. The inclusion of claims can reduce the risk of digestive problems such as acid reflux and heartburn (stomach burns)

"In conclusion, we remind coffee lovers that cold coffee or cold brewing is not the best solution for their health," said Dr. Rao.

(frp / up)

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