Get children with leukemia, this can be done Parents (Depostiphotos)
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Denada revealed shocking conditions about his daughter Shakira Aurum in the program Rumpi Monday (16/7). Children who are not yet 6 years old have been diagnosed with leukemia.
Leukemia is a cancer of the blood. The disease attacks white blood cells so that production becomes abnormal. The white blood cells themselves serve to protect the body against diseases or other disorders.
Denada is not the only parent whose child has leukemia. The disease is often infected children.
As a parent, there are many things that can be done about leukemia. Follow the steps on the website Leukemia & Lymphoma Association (LLS):
1. Do not stick to a single source
When doctors diagnose children with leukemia, parents do not have to be silent. They are advised to look for other references from different doctors. This is so that parents get detailed explanations and are so diverse that they are able to make informed decisions.
"I hope to realize that it is very normal from the beginning and do not worry about telling the doctors that they are professional and accustomed etc)," said Dr. Teacher, and the parent with a child with leukemia named Pamela Brunskill.
2. Rearrange all information carefully
After consulting a doctor, parents can also search for additional information through articles, books or the Internet. All information is collected in notebooks and special notes, so it's easy to find. "This allows us to control what is happening and makes searching for information fairly easy when needed," said Pamela Brunskill.
3. Consultation with the School
Leukemia must not stop the education of the child. Parents can consult the school to discuss the further education of children. In consultation, do not forget to pay attention to the condition of the child and see what methods can be followed now.
4. Give time to children and to yourself
Leukemia makes the condition of the child weak. However, this does not mean that parents must continue to take care of themselves to be too protective. Children also need time for themselves. They can play with special leukemia communities. Something similar should be done by parents. Try to calm the mind by other activities.
5. Honest to the closest person
Parents sometimes do not want to disturb the closest people. The hypothesis must be broken because their presence can lighten the burden of parents. They are able to help other things beyond the treatment. Examples are "talking / listening to parents' stories, bringing food, and watching other children while the elderly are in the hospital."
6. Focus on each phase
The treatment of leukemia takes a long time. If parents continue to think of different possibilities in the future, they can be stressful and exhausted. Try to stay focused on each phase of the child's condition in order to think more clearly. "What strikes me is that each phase makes my thinking different over time," Pamela Brunskill cover, 1965, p. fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) return; js = d.createElement (s); js.id = id; js.src = "http: //connect.facebook .net / id_ID / sdk.js # xfbml = 1 & version = v2.8 & appId = 1713313372257525"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs)} (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk');
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