Women are always hungry when menstruation, why so?


When menstruation happens, women tend to be more hungry, to have flatulence, to have pengin (cravings), and more easily to offend. So, what makes women more hungry during menstruation? Here is the explanation:

Report page Boldsky Monday (23/7/2018), the hunger experienced by women during menstruation is reasonable. The cause is the fluctuation of the hormones estrogen and progesterone that rise and fall just before the menstrual period.

Before the menstrual period, 15% of the body burns more calories and causes a feeling of hunger in the body

Be nice to yourself

When you're hungry, that you are in a bad mood and want a particular food, obey what you want. You will feel better and happy during menstruation.

2. Do not compare yourself to others

It's the worst thing if you do it. By comparing body weight, pain or cramps experienced during menstruation, be yourself in the habits of eating – simple food because the symptoms in women need to be different.

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