Ineligible Hollywood workers shut down COVID-19 vaccination center


California officials closed a COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Tuesday when hundreds of ineligible workers from Hollywood production companies stormed the facility looking for shots, according to a report.

City officials have confirmed that in the first hour, 900 of the 1,500 Pasadena City College clinic appointments were booked by various workers at Hollywood production, media and streaming companies – including the most were not eligible.

“Hundreds of people signed up within the first hour,” city spokeswoman Lisa Derderian said. “It was like rapid fire.

An email was sent last week from the Pasadena Department of Public Health to frontline workers and seniors with instructions for registering for an appointment at the clinic through the vaccination website at the statewide.

The email also stated that people attempting to be vaccinated against COVID-19 would be required to show proof who worked in an eligible area and lived or worked in Pasadena, according to the Los Angeles Times.

“We are verifying the identity. We will refuse you if you don’t reach the current level, if you don’t live in town or work in town, ”Derderian said.

“Our health worker will not risk his credentials, the licenses of the health department or the reputation of the city. We are very strict in following the guidelines. “

City officials decided to shut down the clinic indefinitely after spending several days verifying that those who had made appointments were eligible – determining that some of them were not.

Residents pointed out that on the registration site there was a drop-down menu asking which industry the registrant works in: “Service – entertainment, performance.”

Officials also noted that closing the clinic was difficult for many elderly people who were queuing up for vaccinations.

“Some cried when they heard their dates had been moved,” Derderian said.

Since Tuesday, no new date has been scheduled for the reopening of the clinic.


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