Infectious disease found in the dogs of a breeder from Marion County | New


(Knoxville) – Some 200 people who recently bought dogs from a breeder in south central Iowa are being invited to have the animals tested for canine brucellosis.

Keely Coppess, spokesperson for the Iowa Department of Agriculture, said that four of the dogs were confirmed as infected with the disease – which can be passed on to people – and that one-fifth dog is suspected to be sick. "We then informed everyone that we knew we had bought dogs," says Coppess. "They are quarantined at this point. We asked all these dogs to be tested for canine brucellosis. "

The breeder is identified as a double kennel G in Marion County and is also quarantined. "The infection is transmitted through contact with other infected animals," says Coppess. "These most risky transmissions will come from the birth process, so most dog owners are at very low risk."

Dogs that catch the disease may have symptoms such as reproductive problems (abortions, stillbirth, infertility) as well as behavioral abnormalities, lethargy and weight loss. In humans, the disease can cause flu-like symptoms, fever, joint pain and can also affect the nervous system, eyes or heart.

"There is no cure for canine brucellosis. That's why we test to see if they are positive, "says Coppess. "Because of the risks to human health, you can choose to quarantine these dogs for life or recommend euthanasia." She adds that this case is a reminder of how important it is to practice good biosecurity. . , such as washing hands thoroughly after handling animals, even pets.


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