14 New West Nile positive mosquito samples in Suffolk


SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY – A total of 14 new mosquito samples tested positive for West Nile virus in Suffolk County, the Ministry of Health said Thursday.

The samples, all Culex pipiens-restuans, were collected between July 16 and July 22, from Dix ​​Hills (2), Nesconset (1), North Babylon (1) and Huntington (4), Huntington Station (1). , Rocky Point (2), Holbrook (1), North Patchogue (1), and Setauket (1).

To date, the county has confirmed that 23 mosquito samples have been tested positive for West Nile virus. Until now, no human case has been reported.

The West Nile virus, first detected in birds and mosquitoes in Suffolk County in 1999 and every year thereafter, is transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. No human or horse has been tested positive for West Nile virus in Suffolk this year.

"Confirmation of the West Nile virus in mosquito or bird samples indicates the presence of West Nile virus in the area." Tomarken said. "Although there is no Instead of alarming, we advise residents to cooperate with us in our efforts to reduce exposure to the virus, which can be debilitating for humans. "

According to Tomarken, most people infected with West Nile Virus Some symptoms may be severe, such as high fever, headache, stiff neck, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremor, seizures, muscle weakness, vision loss , numbness and paralysis

The symptoms may last for several weeks and the neurological effects may be permanent.People, especially those aged 50 years or older, or those with compromised immune systems, who are the more at risk, are advised to take precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.

To avoid mosquito bites, residents are advised to:

  • Minimize outdoor activities between dusk and dawn.
  • Wear shoes and socks, long pants and long-sleeved shirts when mosquitoes are active.
  • Use a mosquito repellent by carefully following the instructions on the label.
  • Make sure all doors and windows have mosquito nets and all mosquito nets are in good condition.
  • Prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs inside and outside your home. Once a week, empty and rub, spill, cover or discard water-holding containers, such as vases, pet water bowls, flower pots, used tires, buckets, pool lids , bird baths, garbage cans and rain barrels. ] Dead birds may indicate the presence of West Nile virus in the area. To report dead birds, call the Public Health Information Line in Suffolk County at 631-852-5999 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday.

    Residents encouraged to take a photo of any bird in question

    To report mosquito problems or stagnant pools of water, call the Ministry of Public Works' Division of Vector Control at 631- 852-4270. For more information on West Nile virus, click here to visit the Ministry of Health website

    Image via Shutterstock

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