21 people exposed to rabies after a woman took an abandoned raccoon


    21 people exposed to rabies after the arrest of a baby raccoon

FORT COLLINS, COLORADO – A raccoon baby who tested positive in Weld County, Colorado, came into contact with 21 people before being

A woman found the raccoon on her property and brought her home after she was abandoned by her mother, according to a Press release.

The raccoon was frequently detained and climbed and licked exposed individuals, Rachel Freeman, director of communications for Weld County, said:

"Everyone who has been exposed has already started post-exposure treatment" , he added.

How to prevent exposure to rabies:

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  • Do not touch, feed or handle wild animals and be careful with stray dogs and cats.
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  • Leave the orphaned animals alone. Animal babies often seem to be orphans when they are not. The parent animal may not come back if people are too close.
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  • If you find a wild animal that appears to be sick, injured or orphaned, contact your local control animal or local veterinary clinic.
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  • Do not feed, touch or manipulate wildlife and pay attention to stray dogs and cats.
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  • Regularly vaccinate dogs, cats, horses, and livestock by a licensed veterinarian.
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  • Keep food indoors. Feed the animals indoors and do not feed the wild animals.
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  • Have your pets neutered or neutered to reduce the number of stray animals.

If you think you have been exposed to rabies, contact your doctor immediately. Rabies is almost always fatal if it is not treated, but medications are available if treatment is started before the symptoms appear, according to a news release.

Follow Sady Swanson on Twitter: @sadyswan

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