250 new jobs at Carne Group, a financial services company


The Irish financial services group, Carne Group, will create 250 jobs over the next three years by expanding its offices in Kilkenny and opening a new one in Wexford.

Founded in 2004 by John Donohoe, Carne is Ireland's largest independent provider of fund management services.

The company currently has more than 500 customers and operates ten offices in Ireland, the United States, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom.

It currently employs more than 220 people, but now plans to add another 250 people.

Fifty positions will be immediately filled in a new financial services center in Wexford, with an additional 200 positions to be added over the next three years in the new office and existing Kilkenny premises, which already employ 50 people.

The positions will be aimed at highly qualified professionals in financial services and computer science in a wide range of disciplines.

These include risk management, compliance, computer development, computer architecture, data mining and cybersecurity.

The government is supporting the investment through Enterprise Ireland, both of which have welcomed this news.

The company says expansion is fueled by increased regulation and growing investor demand for independent badet monitoring.

In the meantime, a company that manufactured the protective suit worn by Buzz Aldrin & Neil Armstrong for the moon landing in 1969 officially opened a new factory in Co Cork and will create a total of 70 new jobs.

ILC Dover & # 39; s has already held 30 positions in the new manufacturing facility, which will produce flexible containment solutions for the pharmaceutical industry in the Blarney Industrial Park.

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