Dr. Patricia Schnabel Ruppert, Rockland County Health Commissioner, provides an update on the measles outbreak in Rockland County on Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Peter Carr, [email protected]

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Free immunization clinic against measles in Monsey(Photo: Rochel Leah Goldblatt / The Journal News)Buy a photo

The number of measles cases is increasing as the county seeks to contain the contagious virus through free vaccination clinics.

County officials said Sunday that there were 33 confirmed cases of measles in the county and that five other suspected cases were under investigation.

More than 2,000 people in the county have been vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) since the beginning of the epidemic in late September, according to health officials.

Measles outbreak: questions and answers with the Rockland County Health Commissioner

Rockland Department of Health: 15 cases of measles, 6 others under investigation

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According to the state's Department of Health, most of the initial contacts took place in Monsey and New Square, but there were other sites in Nanuet, New City and Montvale, New York. Jersey.

Children and adults have caught the virus, which comes from travelers from Israel, who also has a measles outbreak.

Non-immunized children attending schools with students who have tested positive for measles must stay home 21 days after the last known exposure. For some students, it is November 3, but others will have to stay at home even longer if they are not vaccinated, and these dates change as more cases are discovered.

Residents must receive two doses of the vaccine and children under 4 need only one, but they can safely receive the second dose in case of an outbreak.

You are considered immune:

  • If you were born before 1957.
  • If you have received two doses of the MMR vaccine.
  • If a doctor confirms that you are immune.
  • If a doctor can confirm measles.

Everyone should check their vaccination record or contact their health care provider if in doubt, officials said. Anyone suspected of having measles should call before entering to minimize the risk of exposure.

Symptoms of measles include fever, cough, runny nose, watery eyes, and rash. People are contagious four days before and after the onset of rash and the symptoms usually appear about 12 days after exposure. A non-immune person can get measles up to two hours after the departure of a person with the disease.

For more questions about measles, call the New York State Department of Health toll free at 888-364-4837.

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