46% of workers resent their colleagues who are late


According to a new study, 46% of employees are resentful of their colleagues who are always late for work.

The research, published by Jobs.ie, also suggests that nearly six out of ten employees who are late are giving traffic as an excuse, while a third says it's because they've slept too long. Another 26% attribute the weather to their delay.

But the results of the survey show that most Irish workers are punctual.

96% of employees indicated that they always arrived at work at the scheduled time, with more than half of employees (59%) wishing to work at least 15 minutes in advance of work. expected start time.

The vast majority of employees also indicated that they had already stayed beyond normal working hours to compensate for their backlog.

The survey reveals that even the most rigid employers include occasional delays.

But if delays occur regularly, this can have real consequences on an employee's career and one in four employers has laid off someone because of recurring delays.

Jobs.ie's Managing Director, Chris Paye, said that many people might be surprised that Irish workers form a very punctual group and take great pride in being at the time or even early for the job.

"Given this context, it is inevitable that tensions will arise in the workplace if a colleague is consistently late without a valid excuse," said Mr. Paye.

He added that in order to address workplace delays, every employer must try to understand the essential reasons why their employees do not arrive on time.

"The importance of implementing clear and precise workplace policies on issues such as delays ensures that everyone is aware of their employer's expectations, reduces conflict and creates a harmonious work environment." productive, "he added.

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