6 (Vegetarian) Foods For Healthy Heart


According to the paper published in the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, eating plant-based foods like nuts, soy, pulses, beans, peas and a small amount of plant sterols can help prevent cardiovascular disease. , triglycerides and inflammation. The plant-based dietary pattern is known and is based on a 2,000 calorie diet, as per the researchers. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) by 30 percent when combined with a low-saturated fat diet, it was found that the diet reduced the overall risk for coronary heart disease, which includes angina and heart attack. John Sievenpiper, Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, Canada, said, "We have known the portfolio lowers LDL cholesterol, but we did not have a clear picture of what else it could do." The researchers further said that dietary and lifestyle modifications can enable patients to manage high cholesterol and cardiovascular risk, and the current study provides further rationale for that approach. (19659004) Plant-Based (Vegetarian) Foods For Healthy Heart:


19659005] Broccoli is packed with several heart-friendly minerals like potbadium and magnesium. Broccoli's high fiber and omega-3 fatty acids help keep the LDL or bad cholesterol at bay.


Experts have also linked ginger to lower levels of low density lipoprotein or "bad" cholesterol, which is known to increase risk of heart disease. Add this to your daily diet and watch out for effective results. One of the best ways to add ginger tea to your diet. Research says that sipping ginger tea is quite beneficial and may cure many health problems. And, when it comes to blood thinning, ginger is known to reduce inflammation and further relaxes the muscles. (19659004) Carrots

The high fiber quotient of carrots boosts heart health removing excess LDL cholesterol from the walls of arteries and blood vessels. According to the book 'Healing Foods' by DK Publishing Carrots, "unhealthy" (LDL) cholesterol levels are easily badimilated by the body. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B8 and Pantothenic Acid.


Various studies around the world have shown that the high content of nitrates in a nitric oxide. This gas helps to relax and dilate your blood vessels which improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure. Beets are a powerhouse of nutrition. High in vitamins, minerals, and organic compounds like vitamin C, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and copper, they help in the treatment of heart diseases


Amla reduces the risk of heart diseases by regulating the build-up of bad cholesterol. Amino acids and antioxidants in the general functioning of heart

Cayenne Peppers

Cayenne peppers are power-packed with properties that help in thinning our blood. And, the credit goes to salicylates, which are found in high amount in cayenne peppers. Adding cayenne peppers to our daily diet, in the form of capsules or in the food,

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