According to the results published in JAMA Internal Medicine patients requiring care in emergency care centers are much more likely to be prescribed antibiotics for conditions that do not require them .
"The use of antibiotics contributes to antibiotic resistance and is badociated with adverse events", Danielle L. Palms, MPH, CDC, and colleagues wrote . "The overuse of antibiotics, especially for viral respiratory infections, is common.Only 60% of outpatient antibiotic prescriptions dispensed in the US are written in traditional ambulatory care settings and emergencies." Palms and colleagues badyzed data from the Truven Health MarketScan 2014 claims and trade meetings database to compare antibiotic prescriptions between emergency care centers and retail clinics., ED and
Researchers found that antibiotics were prescribed in 39% of 2.7 million urgent consultations (95% CI, 39-39.1), 36.4% of 58,206 clinic visits (95% CI, 36-36.8), 13.8% 4.8 million emergency visits (95% CI, 13.8-13.8) and 7.1% of 148 , 5 million medical consultations (95% CI, 7.1-7.1).
A total of 17% of s retail clinic visits, 16% of urgent care 6% of medical consultations and 5% of emergency visits involved inappropriate respiratory diagnoses for antibiotics, such as viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis / bronchiolitis , asthma / allergy, influenza, non-suppurative otitis media and viral pneumonia. Emergency care centers had the highest antibiotic prescribing rate among visits for inappropriate respiratory diagnostics to antibiotics (45.7%), followed by emergencies (24.6%), practices (17%) and retail clinics (14.4%). The finding that the prescription of antibiotics for inappropriate respiratory diagnoses was the highest in emergency care centers suggests that the prescription of unnecessary antibiotics nationwide might to be greater than the estimated 30%, "concludes Palms and his colleagues
. interventions could help reduce prescriptions for unnecessary antibiotics in all outpatient settings, and efforts at emergency centers are urgent, "they added. – by Alaina Tedesco
The authors do not report any relevant financial disclosure.
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