Downtown Celebration to Celebrate the World Month of Breastfeeding


Cole County may have a myopic vision of badfeeding

Many County Residents May Feel Uncomfortable When Mothers Breastfeed Nearby

To Help the News Mothers and the general public to feel more comfortable with the concept, organizations are organizing a week-long badfeeding celebration of the City of Jefferson from 9 am to noon Aug. 4 on East Dunklin Street between Madison and Jefferson streets

The event will include games, support, information on badfeeding and free items. She recognizes the World Month of Breastfeeding and World Breastfeeding Week, said Rebecca Schwaller, badfeeding consultant at St. Mary's Hospital

"We want to recognize mothers who are badfeeding or considering badfeeding, "says Schwaller." The main goal is to try to standardize badfeeding so that everyone knows that it is safe to badfeed. is the normal way of feeding a baby and making the audience more comfortable. "

And if someone is uncomfortable, he may be distracted by badistant at Cars and Coffee, a clbadic car show that is happening simultaneously on the block.Events are "sharing the street," said Schwaller.

In the past, the celebration of badfeeding took place at Memorial Park.

Nikki Huffman, a mother for the first time, says she's still learning all the benefits come from the & # 39; badfeeding for the baby and mother. She and her husband now have a four-month-old son, Jack.

The first lesson – that badfeeding costs less than bottle-feeding – was "patently obvious," says Huffman.

"He gets so much more for the immune system from me," said Huffman. "I read that it reduces the risk of diabetes."

Research has shown, according to Schwaller, that badfeeding babies have fewer ear infections, allergies, asthma, gastrointestinal disorders, and stomach problems. They appear to have a lower risk of sudden infant death syndrome. They tend to have higher scores on standardized tests.

"They find that a badfed baby has a lower risk of obesity in childhood as well as in their adult life," Schwaller said. "It's largely thought that a bad-fed baby is able to end the diet when he feels satisfied. When a baby is bottle-fed, we tend to try to get the baby to finish the bottle – force them to feed them a little bit.

Breastfeeding women have lower blood loss right after delivery because badfeeding helps the uterus to contract, which minimizes blood loss.

Some women seem to lose some of their pregnancy weight during badfeeding, perhaps because it takes between 300 and 500 calories a day to maintain a supply of milk.

The longer the woman spends time on badfeeding, the lower her risk of some bad and ovarian cancers, Schwaller said. It has also been badociated with better cardiovascular health and decreased risk of osteoporosis.

Health and other information will be available at the August 4 celebration, said Melinda Ridenhour, director of Cole County Women, Infants and Children. WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program that provides services to pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children up to their fifth birthday, based on nutritional risk and income eligibility. The goal of WIC is to keep pregnant, lactating, young mothers and young children healthy.

To do this, WIC provides bad pumps to women who return to work or to school (if the baby is unable to badfeed). funds to guide families who encounter healthy foods; personalized information referrals for medical or dental care, health insurance, childcare, housing badistance or other services; and tips for eating well.

Families need help to achieve their badfeeding goals, said Ridenhour. It is not enough to simply inform them of its benefits and launch them. Finding ways to prolong badfeeding has been difficult.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends badfeeding for an entire year with additional foods from 6 months of age

The World Health Organization recommends at least two years if possible . 19659002] The national goal of Healthy People 2020 – a national program to improve the country's health – is that 81.9% of mothers start badfeeding at birth and that at least 60, 6% continue after 6 months, said Ridenhour. Ridenhour said, but a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that in 2014, the Missouri Initiation was at 85.4%, with a 6-month rate at 56.6% and a rate of 12 months at 36.5%.

WIC has data for its own clients, who often face challenges that prevent them from maintaining badfeeding as long as they wish.

"The majority of women start badfeeding. Most will start, "Ridenhour said." From there, we find that our duration rates do not reach national targets because of the specific barriers that some of our women face in the workplace. They may also face barriers when they go out into the community.People may not consider badfeeding as it should be. "

The rate WIC's customer initiation in Cole County is 79%; however, customers have a 6-month rate of only 18%.

Huffman says she has constant questions and tends hand in Schwaller often.She took a badfeeding course and continues to take clbades every month to stay abad of the topics.

She also joined a group of new mothers on Facebook who can exchange questions and i dees

", said Huffman. "All this is so new to me."

Everyone said that it was natural. But that was not easy.

Since his baby, Huffman has returned to work. It was also difficult. She must continue to express the milk to keep the flow.

"If you do not pump or feed every few hours, your supply will decrease," she said. "A great thing was to go back to work, you have to be careful to keep it."

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