Virus Attack: John Hopkins Bioweapon Simulation


The alarm was triggered a month after Medicos noticed something odd. A new virus has been found infecting 400 people in Eastern Europe and South America. Until now, 50 were dead

This is not real

But that could easily be

This is the starting point of a realistic simulation conducted by the John Hopkins Center for Safety.

He also reproduced what many consider to be the greatest threat to humanity today: the genetic engineering of viruses to make them deadly weapons.

[19659003] 10 US government leaders in the areas of national security and response to epidemics were badembled to act on the scenario. They were instructed to make the kind of decisions that they would have to make in such a pandemic.

The result?

RELATED: World Health Organization warns of "disease X"

After a year alone, the global death toll has risen to 150 million .

No vaccine has been discovered. The simulation was stopped after a period equivalent to 20 months.

And the body count is expected to reach 900 million.


It was not even in the worst case. Instead, the focus has been on realism.

The patients suffered from cough and fever. Some showed signs of confusion. Disturbingly, after a week, many had encephalitis – swelling of the brain.

This would cause coma, and often death.

Did the circumstances justify a plane trip? To be suspended? Are the borders closed? Do Emergency Hospital Plans Have International Cooperation Efforts Started?

These were the Constantly Asked Questions

DETAILS: Presentation of Clade-X Virus Simulation

The virus has been shed by mucus being dynamited in the air while coughing.

But its exact nature, however, remained elusive. It was difficult to determine where to place the genealogical tree of the known virus

It seemed to contain elements of the Nipah virus – a rare but deadly disease that the World Health Authority has already designated as an urgent research priority because of its potential. Then, in the simulation, the global panic ensues after a deadly cult calling A Brighter Dawn suddenly claims to have used commercially available technology to bioengine the virus in an effort to destroy the world industrialized and slaughtering the human population

Scientists have nicknamed the militarized virus, Clade X.

DETAILS: Simulation of the planning of the attack of Brighter Dawn

The agencies national security determine that cults are true

. time, the real threat of the virus was identified, it was too late.

He was now out of the scope of health capabilities to control the epidemic before it became

It became a race against the weakening economies, infrastructure and communications. Will they find a vaccine first? Or would society collapse?


According to the John Hopkins Center, the simulation revealed that the world simply does not have the ability to discover, manufacture and distribute vaccines against new and unusual viruses in the months following the pandemic.

On the contrary, such an intervention takes decades.

And global health systems simply would not be able to cope with such an explosion. the victims like a pandemic is going on. Contain is almost out of the question.

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With 15 million simulated deaths in the United States alone at the end in the first year, the outlook was bleak. The fate of 900 million people – 10% of the world's population – is in the hands of a few tired and poorly equipped researchers and medical workers.

Eric Toner, senior scientist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health Security, spent years preparing for the simulation, doing everything possible to make it as realistic as possible.

He says he chose a hypothetical virus that was only moderately contagious and moderately lethal.

The result revealed the people involved in the simulation, they found that they simply did not have the systems and networks needed to mobilize an effective and large-scale response.

"I think we have learned that even highly competent, experienced and dedicated senior officials have gone through many crises. Eric Toner, senior scientist at the Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health Security and designer of the Clade X simulation, said Business Insider .

"And it's not because they're not good or smart or dedicated, it's because we do not have the systems we need to activate the kind of answer we want to see. "

And this deficiency will be there if ever "Disease X" appears.

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