Diverging views drag sugary-laden soda drinks


By Princewill Ekwujuru

Consumers are polarized about the consumption of sugary soft drinks or aspartm (sweeteners) and their implications for health.

Some argue that researchers and dieticians have proven that soda varieties They said that research has also established that soda drinks are linked to an increased risk of heart attack and even excessive weight gain and that those who drink a can of soda pop a day are at risk of suffering from stroke and developing other diseases.They pointed out that studies have shown that a soda can ironically does not can not guarantee a healthier option.

Consumers also pointed out that nutrition experts have pointed out that a 330milliliter A can of plain pop containing sugar contains an equivalent of 35 grams of sugar, or about seven teaspoons or more. Although it is the recommended daily intake of sugar for an adult in a single can, the extra consumption becomes dangerous to health. They also accuse producers of failing to warn of the potential health complications of excessive consumption of soft drinks

. Of these concerns, nutritionists are focusing on alternatives to soft drinks, while recommending abundant daily water consumption. The C & M survey found that soft drinks like a lot of water are not good. Other drinks contain high levels of artificial sweeteners, controversial.

Sweet sodas are no better than sweet products in terms of health hazards and that dietary drinks do not reduce the risk of obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Experts have However warned that sugary soft drinks can cause weight gain because they make people eat more.

Consumers Speak [1] 9659002] Some consumers who spoke to C & M complained about the amount of sugar in soft drinks, pointing out that soft drink companies should do something drastic to minimize problems sugar. drinks, but advised those who complain to look for alternatives. Godfrey Abanji, an official, said that studies have examined the health implications of sugar and revealed the disadvantages of sweet and sugary soda outweigh their benefits. "19659002" Sugar is a major concern for consumers, "he added." Warn consumers and that NAFDAC should warn them about the use of sugar. Michael Efengbai, an expert in communication with Explicit Communications, Lagos agrees "In my opinion, they are not responsible citizens". Ngozi Nwanmadu, who works for a pay-TV company, said, "My husband likes to drink a particular brand of soda, until he develops complications and is diagnosed with a blood sugar level. elevated, a situation that leads to diabetes. "

Okechukwu Omengboji, a trader who sells food products in Isasi, in the local government development area of ​​Iba, said," My grouse against sugary drinks is based on the difficult situation of my brother. He was addicted to soft drinks and I warned him until I discovered that he was becoming obese. After a short while, he began to lose weight and complained of chronic fatigue until he went to the hospital and was diagnosed with an excess of sugar. in the blood, which means that he is diabetic. The doctor said that it was not due to soft drinks, but I have reduced my consumption of soft drinks and other products with sugar. "

James Arobile says that he drinks at least one soft drink a day and has not experienced any there are many others that do and without complications. Take it all moderately, if you must take it, but for me, I'm taking an indigenous concoction to neutralize my blood sugar. "

Experts Respond

Dr. Daranijo Ademola of Belinix Hospitals, Egbeda, Lagos, states, "Obesity increases your risk of life-threatening diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain types of cancer and stroke. This is not just a prominent belly that should concern you.

A 2002 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that high levels of refined sugar, such as those found in soda, deprived the brain of a chemical needed for learning. were kept on a diet packed with sugar showed a diminished ability in their hippocampus – a part of the brain that controls memory and learning – after several months.

Full and sweet carbonated drinks can make you gain weight.Another study conducted in 2012, found that a single can of soft drink increases the risk of heart attack by 20 percent compared to those who did not drink soda.The study that examined the consumption pattern of more than 42,000 men revealed that there were nearly 4,000 cases of heart disease over a period of 22 years in men who drank more soda.

The researchers attributed this to an adverse change in fat in the body and to inflammation caused by soda drinks, both of which can dama. Another theory is that sweeteners alter intestinal insects, which which makes the use of sugar more difficult for the body. Artificial sweeteners have also been badociated with increased levels of hunger by prompting the brain to think that it is sweet and rich in calories. "

Francis Njoku of Jons Medicals, Egbeda, Lagos, says," Sugary drinks can affect how the body uses insulin. The use of artificial sweeteners in sodas means that it can be just as dangerous to consumers, increasing the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Even more worryingly, these are the effects on those who are trying to come up with the design. "Dr. Val Igbanti of Bell Hospitals, Ajegunle, Ajeromi Local Government Region, LGA says," Sugar is responsible for many problems health, but without it, your body would stop working properly.Natural sugars, such as those found in fruits and lactose or milk sugar are beneficial to health.


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