Dr. Frankenstein's scientist is proud of the arrival of the first genetically modified babies


"Secret": He Jiankui at the top of the human genome edition in Hong Kong. Photo: AFP
  • Dr. Frankenstein's scientist is proud of the arrival of the first genetically modified babies


    The Chinese scientist Frankenstein, He Jiankui, the scientist at the center of a global controversy after claiming to have produced the first genetically modified babies in the world, defended his work yesterday and revealed that a second woman was potentially pregnant at following his research.



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The Chinese scientist Frankenstein, He Jiankui, the scientist at the center of a global controversy after claiming to have produced the first genetically modified babies in the world, defended his work yesterday and revealed that a second woman was potentially pregnant at following his research.

"For this case, I am proud," said Mr. He, an badociate professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, during a speech at the Summit on the theme of "I am proud of it." human genome edition in Hong Kong.

"This study has been submitted to a scientific journal for review," he said without naming the magazine.

He claims to have produced two twin babies with genetic genes, nicknamed "Lulu" and "Nana", and a second patient in "early pregnancy" surprised the world.

Although unconfirmed because they have not yet been peer-reviewed or published, his work would be a breakthrough in biomedical research.

The global debate on the application of ethics and the regulation of safety in this type of work is also revived. New technologies now allow scientists to selectively cut and glue DNA with incredible accuracy and could in the future be used to eradicate hereditary diseases. But it could also be used to change traits such as eye height and color, and the most controversial, intelligence, potentially opening the way for genetically modified "designer babies".

For years, Mr. He stated that he worked in secret, sometimes consulting fellow scientists. Critics point out that his self-funded research has escaped scientific ethics, especially since experts simply do not know how gene-modified embryos will develop as they get older, and how altered DNA will be pbaded on to future generations.

His work may even be illegal – China prohibits gene modification in human embryos over 14 days old.

Mr. He then described his work as saying that eight couples were enrolled in the trial, but that a couple had dropped out of school.

All fathers were HIV positive and mothers uninfected.

He also stated that he felt that the test participants were properly informed and aware of the risks, describing an initial consultation of two hours, then a second meeting of 70 minutes to review, line by line, a 20-page informed consent form.

Thirty-one embryos were created by in vitro fertilization; Of these, 70 percent had their DNA modified to become resistant to HIV using a method called Crispr-Cas9, he said.

Mr. He's work appeared earlier this week when "MIT Technology Review" and the Associated Press published interviews with him and members of his lab. His lab has also published detailed videos on YouTube about the work.

The Chinese authorities and the Southern University reported that they were investigating the work and conduct of Mr. He. Although her institution stated that she was not aware of the work, published online essays appeared to indicate that Southern University was involved.

More than 100 scientists have condemned the use of Crispr-Cas9 technology as dangerous and unjustified.

"The Pandora's box has been opened," they said in an open letter. (© Daily Telegraph, London)

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