A Florida woman finds a bald man hanging on his arm


A Florida woman was surprised to find a little bat hanging on her arm while she was at home using the bathroom on Monday

The Sun City Center's wife was helping a friend in a car in earlier parking The day she felt something hitting her arm, but did not know what it was until she came home, according to the Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County.

When she noticed the animal clinging to her body, the woman Kevin Watler, spokeswoman for the agency, said in a press release published in The Tampa Bay Times [19659004Watlersaidthehealthdepartmentwascontactedandatestshowedthebattoberabiespositiveavirusthatinfectsthecentralnervoussystemandcanleadtoalife-threateningdiseaseinhumansandothermammals

The first signs of rabies in humans are mild, including fever, headache, and general weakness or discomfort. As the disease progresses, the virus can ultimately cause disease in the brain and death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

Cases of human rabies in the United States are unusual. Only one to three cases are reported each year. In the past decade, only 23 cases of human rabies have been documented, including eight contracted outside the United States and its territories, the CDC reported.

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The woman received medical attention after the incident and should not get sick, according to the agency.

Bats and raccoons are the main source of rabies in humans, but this case is particularly strange. Watler said, "Usually, you do not have a bat that hangs on someone's arm," he explained. "Usually, when you have an exposure, it's someone who plays with an animal or who feeds an animal in the wild, but there's usually no bat that's out there." Hangs on someone's arm in a parking lot. "[19659002] Local officials from the health department think it was an isolated incident, reported WFLA- TV.

 0720- bats Brown In Florida, a woman found a little bat hanging on her arm on Monday. Collection of Smith / Gado / Getty Images

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