A giant mountain dog boy seriously burns a 17-year-old boy in Virginia, sending him to the hospital, according to a report


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17-year-old Alex Childress was severely injured in the face and arm after being exposed to HGC.

Alex Childress, 17, was burned in the second and third degree after touching the plant without knowing it. his landscaping work Tuesday, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Childress would have thought the plant was a weed and went to remove it from the soil.

The skin of a person can burn and blister after being in contact with the sap of the plant.

Childress' father, Justin, recalled to the defense how his son told him that he had a "very bad sunburn".

"The top layer of skin on the left side of his face was gone and appeared to be a really bad burn that had already peeled" Childress reportedly said.

The teenager was brought to the hospital on Tuesday after her mother – who is a nurse – suspects that the plant could be responsible, the Times-Dispatch reported.

A link to a GoFundMe Alex's Burn Recovery Fund "was published on what appeared to be the father's Facebook.In this paper, the teenager explained the series of events that led to his burns, saying that he "was trying to earn a bit of pocket money" before leaving for his first year at Virginia Tech.

He said he "was cutting Unknowingly "I was transferred to the Burn Intensive Care Unit at VCU and treated for 3 days, but I still have daily care for wounds, which requires debriding burns. "

The goal of GoFundMe is set at $ 10,000 and the teenager said that he was planning to use the money raised to help pay school and medical fees

Associated Press contributed to this report.

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