A new disease-carrying tick is spreading in the United States.


The Centers for Disease Control warns that an invasive tick species is spreading in a number of states in the eastern United States. The tick, known as the long Asian blot, can not only multiply rapidly, but is also known to transmit deadly diseases to humans.

"The total impact on public health and agriculture of this tick discovery and its spread is unknown," said Ben Beard, deputy director of the CDC, in a statement. "In other parts of the world, the Asian horned tick can transmit many types of common pathogens in the United States. We are concerned that this tick, which can cause mbadive infestations of animals, people and the environment, does not spread to the United States. "

The long-horned Asian tick was first discovered on a sheep in New Jersey in August 2017. Since then, it has spread to Virginia, West Virginia, New York and five other states. . The tick was most often found on domestic animals, especially dogs and cows, as well as on wild animals such as deer and coyotes. But it was found that two humans also welcomed him.

Although the CDC has found no harmful microbes in ticks collected in the United States, it is known that bites of the Asian Longhorn tick transmit deadly diseases such as human haemorrhagic fever. The tick, native to East Asian countries like China, Korea and Japan, has also spread to Australia and New Zealand, where it sucks so much cow's blood that milk production can drop 25%.

The long horned Asian tick can spread rapidly as a single female tick is able to reproduce without mating, which can lead to a mbadive infestation of the host. Thousands of ticks can be found at the same time, even on a single host.

The CDC said it is working with veterinary experts, agriculture and public health in the US to badess the threat posed by new ticks. "Breeders and pet owners should work with their veterinarians to maintain regular tick prevention and report any unknown tick species to their local agriculture department," said the CDC.

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