A pregnant woman jailed for two months after pleading guilty to having opened a 1.50 € tin can in the Tesco store in Cork


A pregnant woman who pleaded guilty to having opened a package of Pringles worth 1.50 euros after being ordered to go out of a Tesco shop where she was banned is jailed for two months .

Kathleen McDonagh, 25, from Inchera Close, Mahon in Cork, who recently knotted the knot, pleaded guilty to causing criminal damage to the Pringles at the Tesco Mall on December 27, 2016.

    Kathleen McDonagh was excluded from the Tesco store (picture in stock)

PA: Press Association

Kathleen McDonagh was excluded from the Tesco store (picture in stock)

During a meeting held today by the District Court of Cork, Inspector Ronan Kennelly told Judge Brian O. Shea that Ms. McDonagh had been banned from entering Tesco at the material time as a result of the previous behavior.

However, she went to the supermarket and took a tube of Pringles. She then proceeded to the waiting line at the self-service section.

Inspector Kenneally stated that the staff noticed Ms. McDonagh and approached her to ask her to leave. Before reaching her, she opened the Pringles box.

Inspector Kennelly said that Ms. Donagh, who had already sentenced 31 people, had then removed the aluminum film from the box.

    Kathleen McDonagh pled guilty to criminal damages on the Pringles package

Times Newspapers Ltd

Kathleen McDonagh pled guilty to criminal damages on the Pringles package

He said: "As the security guards approached her, she opened the Pringles and took off the top of aluminum foil.It said," I opened it, you must therefore let me pay for it. "

"It was not resale clean with a loss of $ 1.50 – she said she wanted to buy the Pringles but she was not allowed to go to the store."

The court learned that Ms. McDonagh's previous offenses included 14 convictions for theft and two for criminal damages. She also has convictions for handling stolen property.

Shane Collins Daly, Ms. McDonagh's attorney, stated that the accused was a hairdressing student who was currently working for her mother.

He appealed for clemency by claiming that his client was five months pregnant and that she had just been married. The court learned that she had suffered from anxiety problems in the past.

Mr. Collins Daly also requested that the guilty plea be considered in the case.

In sentencing, Judge O. Shea said that, considered out of context, the offense could appear serious in terms of seriousness.

However, given the context of the case and the multitude of previous convictions, he has moved up the ladder.

He said that it was difficult to consider the offense other than as "intelligent" behavior.

He added that in the past, Ms. McDonagh had received suspended sentences and that they did not seem to have worked for her.

He jailed her for four months, suspending the last two months of her sentence.

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