According to the conference, the controversy over CervicalCheck is "heartbreaking and confusing for patients"


Activists Vicky Phelan, Stephen Teap and Lorraine Walsh at the launch of the Patient Support Group of more than 221 cervical exams at Farmleigh House in Dublin (Niall Carson / PA)
Activists Vicky Phelan, Stephen Teap and Lorraine Walsh at the launch of the Patient Support Group of more than 221 cervical exams at Farmleigh House in Dublin (Niall Carson / PA)

Eilish O 'Regan

  • According to the conference, the controversy over CervicalCheck is "heartbreaking and confusing for patients"

    The current gaps in information on the CervicalCheck controversy are "heartbreaking and confusing for patients and their families," said a conference today.

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The current gaps in information on the CervicalCheck controversy are "heartbreaking and confusing for patients and their families," said a conference today.

Lorraine Walsh, a Galway businesswoman, who developed cervical cancer and is among the 221 people at the center of what she called a "debacle," said that he There were many "questions and answers still outstanding".

The facts are not yet known. It's "heartbreaking and confusing for patients and their families, and frustrating for doctors," she said.

Ms. Walsh, who has not been diagnosed with cancer for many years and has been successfully treated, is one of 221 women, most of whom were only told early in the summer that the result of their smear had been incorrectly reported. .

CervicalCheck conducted an internal audit reviewing the results of tests on women for whom it was reported that the cancer was developing, but these reports were not transmitted in the majority of cases until Vicky Phelan's court case in April revealed their existence.

It has not yet been determined how many erroneous results were due to negligence or the limitations of filtering.

Recalling her diagnosis of cervical cancer at the age of 34 in 2012, she spoke of her devastation, but she is grateful to her medical team and treating nurse for her thoughtful care and expertise.

However, last April, CervicalCheck contacted her to share with her the previously undisclosed audit.

The audit revealed that a pre-diagnosis screening test had been incorrectly read.

"At the time, it had been reported that it was precancerous CIN1 cells of low grade, but as a result of this examination, it was precancerous cells CIN3 of high grade.

"Immediately after this disclosure, followed some explanations about the screening and its limitations.Honesty, my mind was stunned, I had never heard of these limitations, false positives or false negatives.

"I wanted to know the final result, what details did the audit find and did it meet the filtering limits or was there negligence?"

The non-disclosure of audits – which CervicalCheck sent to referring physicians in 2016 – has created a major problem of communication and trust, she said.

"Of course, patients are not limited to appointments," she commented at the meeting, which examines broader issues related to screening as a result of the Scally investigation into the scandal.

"The doctor-patient relationship is so important to us all and nothing should knowingly occur or be allowed to harm that relationship."

She added, "I'm not here to blame or blame, but we all need to learn from it, and I think we all have to be accountable for taking a pro-active approach to situations. goal, without that. " we lack precision and clarity, a problem that many clinicians faced when verifying results.

"They have received limited information about audits and their results and have been forced to disclose this information, and subsequent disclosure meetings have sometimes resulted in miscommunication."

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