AIB confirms transfer to Heuston South


AIB Banking Center in Ballsbridge
AIB Banking Center in Ballsbridge

Ellie Donnelly

  • AIB confirms transfer to Heuston South

    AIB has confirmed its intention to move to the southern district of Heuston.

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AIB has confirmed its intention to move to the southern district of Heuston.

In a statement, the bank said employees would start moving into the Dublin 8 building in the first half of next year.

AIB has also agreed to complete the release of its current main site, the Bankcentre in Ballsbridge, by the end of 2020.

At the same time, the bank announced that its head office, located at Molesworth Street, "was progressing as expected", with occupancy expected in the first half of 2019.

Earlier this month, Facebook confirmed that it would transfer its EMEA headquarters to the AIB Bank Center in Ballsbridge.

The move will allow Facebook to quadruple its current floor area of ​​870,000 square feet in several buildings, with a capacity of 5,000 additional employees.

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