American Cancer Society breast cancer walk boosts survivors in Orlando


Lisa Johnson gets emotional when she thinks about the backing of her family and friends during her cancer battle.

On Saturday, strangers added their voices to her support system.

The 58-year-old Orlando is one of those women who have been affected by bad cancer.

More than 60,000 people walked to $ 650,000 for the American Cancer Society's efforts to research the disease and educate the public on detection.

"Today 's Walk is a moving example of how – to – do – we can make a huge progress towards a world without bad cancer," Susan Shaw, executive director of the American Cancer Society in Orlando said in a release.

Last year, the race raised to $ 650,000 and saw 55,000 people walk beneath the pink banner that reads "FINISH."

For Johnson, 58, it was the first run since it was diagnosed with bad cancer the day after Christmas last year.

She has been undergoing chemotherapy sessions regularly ever since.

The race "makes you realize that life is so simple when you have," Johnson said through tears when asked about his supporters at the race. "Without that, you probably could not get through it."

The finish line at the race was hardly a somber event, however.

Runners took selfies with friends and family members.

Crowds cheered the runners as they approached wearing T-shirts that were represented a running team or group of popular words like "Save the Tatas" and "Real Men Rock Pink."

The cheers got louder when a runner or walker was wearing a sash that read "Survivor."

"It means a lot to me," said Noemi Hernandez, who was tearing up when she heard the crowds.

Hernandez credits her faith in God with helping her survive the seven years since she was first diagnosed with bad cancer.

That diagnosis came about 13 years after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

"It feels to the hospital but I'm still here," Hernandez said. "I want to thank God. He gave me strength and I'm here because of him. "

It was a feeling shared by many along the path on Saturday.

Faye McLean said it has been difficult to watch cancer.

However, it is more tolerable than that.

"There is so much struggle," said McLean, of Kissimmee. "Survivors trust in their belief in and knowing there is a higher power. It has kept her going. "

As Shawn Barnett crossed the finish line, she said when she sees a large number of people, she said that she was going to help her get away from it all. .

"It's amazing and it's giving you hope," she said. "They are letting you know that you're not alone and you're not thinking about it."

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