An eight-year-old boy who saved a boy (3) from the bottom of the pool is rewarded for his courage


Finn Bell Ryan (pictured), Mark Cullinane and Kelvin Kearns have all received the "Just In Time" award from Irish Water Safety for their efforts. Photos: Mark Condren
Finn Bell Ryan (pictured), Mark Cullinane and Kelvin Kearns have all received the "Just In Time" award from Irish Water Safety for their efforts. Photos: Mark Condren
Finn Bell Ryan, Mark Cullinane (pictured) and Kelvin Kearns all received the "Just In Time" award from Irish Water Safety for their efforts. Photos: Mark Condren
Finn Bell Ryan, Mark Cullinane and Kelvin Kearns (pictured) have all received the 'Just In Time' award from the Irish Water Water Safety Project. Photos: Mark Condren

Ryan Nugent

  • An eight-year-old boy who saved a boy (3) from the bottom of the pool is rewarded for his courage

    Heroes who risked their lives to save others were rewarded for their courage at the Irish Water Safety (IWS) Awards.

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Heroes who risked their lives to save others were rewarded for their courage at the Irish Water Safety (IWS) Awards.

The organization paid tribute to the 36 courageous winners of its "Just In Time" award.

Among them was Finn Bell Ryan (8).

The young boy from Limerick courageously saved the life of a three year old boy while he was on vacation in Portugal.

Finn had noticed the troubled boy in the water and jumped immediately to pull the child from the bottom of the pool.

Kelvin Kearns of Kilmeaden, County of Waterford, was also honored. He reacted quickly to save a man stuck in a car that had collapsed into a creek.

Mr. Kearns was driving on September 27th in Butlerstown, County Waterford, when he fell on the scene of an accident.

An elderly man was driving along the road in dangerous conditions and had lost control of his car.

The man (70) moved off the road and fell into a ravine in a deep stream.

When Mr. Kearns arrived at the bottom of the embankment, the car was returned, the retiree stuck inside.

Mr. Kearns managed to pull the man out of the car, but he was unable to pull him completely safe because of the car's position.

He rather retained until the arrival of the emergency services.

Asked about the feat, Mr. Kearns said: "I had just got off the road, I did not know what was happening, I did not know what motivated me.

"I thought nothing, just did what I did.

"I do not know what's going on in my head, but my body was just doing things."

Niall O'Neill, Brendan Chbaderiaud, Dara McDonagh, Samuel Healy and Sean Oliver were also honored. They took a man aboard the rigid inflatable boat on board which they found after realizing that he was in distress.

Martin Cullinane from Cork is another hero. He became the face of the boating safety campaign after saving the lives of two younger brothers during the summer.

About 127 people die each year in Ireland by drowning. This figure could be much higher, according to Seán Canney, Minister of Rural and Community Development.

"It is an honor to pay tribute to these courageous recipients," said Mr. Canney.

"Tragically, an average of 127 people drown each year in Ireland.Although it is 127 too many, the figure would be even higher without the spectacular efforts of those people who saved other people from drowning and work. Ongoing Irish Water Safety volunteers, teach swimming and water rescue techniques. "

Irish independent

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