Android Update – Here's How Google Protects Your Phone Against Dangerous Malware


Android is Google's mobile operating platform that is operated by billions of devices around the world.

The tech giant in the US frequently discusses efforts to make Android more secure overall.

In fact, Google recently talked about Android security on its developer blog and made some remarkable announcements.

First and foremost, the American tech giant said that Google Play Protect will now be enabled "by default to secure all new devices".

Play Protect is Google's malware protection program for Android.

When Google Play Protect is enabled, users will receive a notification informing them of this fact.

Android fans can disable the feature as they see fit.

About this feature, Google said, "We strongly believe that security should be a feature built into every device, not something to look for and activate for a user.

"When the security features work best, most users should not be aware of this, and we're happy to announce that Google Play Protect is now enabled by default to secure all new devices, right from the start. the delivery.

"The user is informed that Google Play Protect is running and has the option to disable it at any time."

In his recent article on Android security, Google also wanted to point out that Google Play Protect is responsible for "badyzing over 50 billion apps a day to detect harmful behavior," in an effort to enhance the security of users.

Mountain View also highlighted two other features that it believes make its users safer.

Google talked about a new feature for Android that will warn a user if he installs "new or rare applications rarely installed in the ecosystem" to give him a chance to reconsider if he wants to trust the program in question.

It was noted that the alert would cease to be displayed once Google's software would have reviewed the application and decided that it would not hurt the device from there. ;user.

In addition, Google has also detailed another new security feature for Android recently "turned on" and warns users if they were trying to open a potentially malicious application.

Similarly, the alert offers the user the opportunity to reconsider whether to open the application in question.

About the Android update, Google said, "It's easy to misunderstand alerts when they're out of context." We're trained to click on notifications without reading them and get back to what we were doing so quickly as possible.

"We know that it is essential for users to provide timely and contextual alerts to users." We recently activated a security feature introduced for the first time in Android Oreo, which alerts users when they are about to launch a potentially dangerous application on their device.

"This new warning dialog box provides contextual information about the application that the user is about to launch, about why we think it may be harmful and about what could happen if the user opened the application.

"We also provide clear instructions on the next step – these contextual dialogs ensure the protection of users, even if they accidentally miss an alert."

While Google's recent article on security on Android was eager to boast of the security offered by the operating system, it should be noted that the software is absolutely unreliable.

In fact, a new study released last month by the International Institute of Informatics, reported by CNET, revealed that thousands of apps were ignoring Google's development rules in order to track the behaviors of users.

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