Asthmatics have received urgent advice regarding the shortage of inhalers in the UK


Asthma sufferers who use the bricanyl Turbohaler have received urgent advice because relief inhaler stocks are extremely low in the UK.

The charity Asthma UK warned that it could remain a few weeks without refueling.

The manufacturer of the inhaler is trying to get his production line running "as quickly as possible", but some users may run out before this happens.

The shortage does not concern all Turbohalers, but only Bricanyl.

Asthma UK urges users of Bricanyl Turbohaler to check their stock of drugs, make an appointment with a GP to get a recommendation on an alternative solution before depleting their stock, continue taking their inhaler and "try not to worry.

Users have been asked to purchase another inhaler

Dr. Andy Whittamore, general practitioner of Asthma UK, said stocks would not be replenished for a few weeks.

He wrote: "If you use a bricanyl Turbohaler as your asthma relief inhaler, you should know that stocks are currently very low in the UK.

"It does not affect all Turbohalers – only Bricanyl.

"Manufacturers have confirmed to us that it would probably be a few weeks (from November 2018) without supplies – but that they were working to get the production line up and running as quickly as possible."

Here is the tip of Asthma UK to users of Bricanyl Turbohaler until the shortage is solved:

Check your supply of medicines: Check the number of remaining doses and make sure that all your Bricanyl TurboHelmators are always up to date.

If you plan to travel between now and December, make sure you have enough coverage.

Do not wait for your inhaler to run out: Make an appointment with your GP to get an alternative recommendation.

Continue taking your preventive inhaler: Also make sure you have a reliever inhaler.

Try not to worry: GPs are aware of the shortage and may offer an alternative, said Dr. Whittamore.

Bricanyl Turbuhaler is used by people with asthma, bronchitis or other respiratory problems to clear their airways and allow them to breathe better.

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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