Beware of deceptive videos about prostate cancer on YouTube, warn scientists


Scientists have warned that popular YouTube videos of medical information about prostate cancer pose potential health risks.

Many people are turning to the Internet for more details on health issues, with YouTube being a prime location for explanatory videos and tips.

However, research has shown that 77% of the 150 most viewed videos on the site regarding the disease contained factual errors or biased content, in the video section or in the comments section.

The study, conducted by the University of New York School of Medicine and its Perlmutter Cancer Center, found that while three-quarters of the videos described in detail the benefits of some treatments, only half (53%) enough details about the damage and potential side effects.

"Our study shows that people really need to be wary of many YouTube videos about prostate cancer," said Stacy Loeb, senior research investigator and urologist, who published the findings in the European Urology journal.

"They contain valuable information, but users need to check the source for credibility and be suspicious of the speed with which videos become obsolete, with care guidelines constantly evolving with science."

Prostate cancer
Patients are encouraged to seek information from sources deemed to be recommended by their health care provider (Rui Vieira / PA)

Alternative or complementary therapies, largely untested, have been recommended in 19% of the videos, a case promoting an "herbal injection" into the prostate, which, according to scientists, is potentially harmful and is not supported by medical evidence.

Dr. Loeb admitted that the number of videos on YouTube makes any ongoing review by medical experts difficult, but he urged health professionals and viewers to use the reporting feature to inform the sharing platform Google-owned videos of any misleading information noticed.

Medical providers should also report sources that are trustworthy, said Dr. Loeb.

"We are a company committed to access to information, but nothing happens on YouTube," said a YouTube spokeswoman.

"We have created community guidelines that set the rules of the road for what we do not allow. When the videos reported violate our rules, we delete them. The video deemed to comply with our guidelines will remain on the site. "

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