Cannabis Australia: Revealed Cannabis Superpowers


Marijuana lovers are talking about the miraculous effects of their favorite plant for over 12,000 years, but it is only now that we are starting to understand the real potential of its plants.

You may have accused these potty consumers of being misled by the effects of high-quality smoking a few years ago, but countries around the world are beginning to repeal draconian prohibition laws and allow scientists do research on this plant – and what they discovered is amazing.

S addressing to after the CannaTech Sydney-Sydney conference – where hundreds of cashed entrepreneurs wandered around inspecting the latest weed growing technology – Paul Benhaim , founder of Hemp Foods Australia, said that the plant could contain superpowers that could have a profound impact on our lives.

Cannabis researchers said at the conference that compounds found in the plant could potentially be used to treat a wide variety of diseases, ranging from anxiety, depression, migraine and irritable bowel syndrome to Acne and even schizophrenia, all without the addiction and liver damage caused by certain treatments.

However, you will not be cured by magic smoking just a few joints this weekend.

Speakers have made it clear that cannabis is incredibly complex and that extracting the precise components you need to prevent harmful side effects is always a work in progress.

Mr. Benhaim referred to the research that has taken place over the past two decades and that shows that we all have something called the endocannabinoid system in our body.

This is the way our body processes and even creates its own cannabinoids – the chemical compounds found in the weed plant.

Working alongside our circulatory, respiratory and digestive system, it is argued that the endocannabinoid system can have an impact on appetite, modulation of pain, digestion, reproduction, motor learning, stress and memory.

"It has only been discovered for a few decades and it is extremely important because it affects the balance and communication between our cells," he said.

"It's a central part of our body because it's the master of our balance system – called homeostasis.

"It means that if one aspect of your health deteriorates due to stress, your endocannabinoid system responds immediately by altering your physiology to restore homeostasis.

"It is one of the most important systems for the maintenance of human health. It's literally a bridge between your body and your mind. "

He added that people often confuse hemp and cannabis, but that they are actually identical plants, such as hemp seeds, which contain practically no THC, an intoxicating psychoactive substance that encourages smokers to stoned feel, are extremely beneficial to human health.

"It's a plant, cannabis is a single plant and there are many parts of the plant that you can use for different uses," he said.

"By eliminating the water content, your brain is composed of 60% omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and realized that hemp seed was an excellent source."

He states that we need a constant intake of these fatty acids in our body.

But oddly enough, this protein-rich superfood, which can be used in more than 50,000 ways, from acne treatment to textiles, bioplastics, paper and fuel production, is not the only way to improve your life. was legalized in Australia less than a year ago.

Australia was one of the only places in the world where it was banned.

However, the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) approved a proposal to allow the sale of low THC hemp seed products and in April 2017 the Australian Food Regulators considered the proposal.

At the time, a spokesperson for FSANZ told SBS: "Our risk badessment has revealed that low-THC hemp seed foods are safe for consumption and can be a good alternative source of nutrients and polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids.

Now, Mr Benhaim is discussing with Australian polls to raise awareness about our endocannabinoid system and the potential health benefits of allowing Australians to have non-psychoactive forms of grbad, such as lipoprotein. CBD oil.

"We know that the endocannabinoid system is active in the embryonic stages of human development," he said.

"We know that even bad milk contains cannabinoids – but we are still told that it is not healthy or safe for you."

When he says that, he just points to the evidence.

United Nations research shows that 180 million people use cannabis worldwide and that only 72 of those people died after consuming it – contrary to the widely held myth that no one would have died because of the bad grbad.

However, during the same period, alcohol has killed 3.3 million of us and tobacco 7 million people worldwide, almost double the population of Sydney each year. And, interestingly enough, German researchers have even discovered that CBD reduces the level of alcohol in the blood.

"Synthetic cannabinoids produce frequent and undesirable side effects, which the Australian government always stresses: avoid this," he said.

"But the only problems are due to the fact that some chemical compounds can not yet be totally isolated."

Mr. Benhaim added that there was no difference between recreational and medical cannabis use.

"We are built for cannabis," he said.

"People just need education, but we should not use it until you're 21, when your endocannabinoid system and your brain are fully developed."

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