Cases of diseases of the hands, feet and mouth are on the rise; children under 10 years


Some states are seeing an increase in diseases of the hands, feet and mouth, a common viral disease that usually affects young children, but adults can also contract it.

>> To know more about trends [19659004Lamaladiecontagieusappearedjustbeforechildrengotoschool

Doctors in several states report cases of foot-and-mouth disease.

It is a painful disease that we usually see in children under 18 years of age. According to Dr. Trachella Johnson Foy, family physician for Baptist Health in Jacksonville, Florida

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"Of course, when we go back to school, elementary school kids will run high risk," said Foy. "19659004" It is usually composed of a fever, a rash that can develop in the mouth with blisters or sores on the hands and feet. "

He usually runs his course in three to five days.

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"It's easy to spread, so the way we try to keep children from pbading each other is to make sure we wash our hands well," says Foy.


A mother said that she badured her that her six year old son is taking these steps to prevent him from catching him – or any other illness.

"I badure myself that he is washing his hands, he He does not need to try to cough on people, he knows how to cover his mouth all the time" , said Tiffani Allen, foot-and-mouth disease in the United States recently.

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"I know some of my colleagues have reported seeing a few more cases," she said.

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