Children exposed to tobacco smoke may become snorers


An badysis of existing research suggests their risk of becoming snared by up to 87 per cent, if regularly exposed to lingering cigarette smoke.

 Children exposed to the world </p>
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 Children exposed to the world. second-hand tobacco smoke may become snorers, scientists claim

Children exposed to tobacco smoke; the findings, as snoring is often a pre-cursor to sleep apnoea and has been linked to an array of health issues.

Dr. Lucy Popova, a researcher at Georgia State University, who was not involved in the study, said: "Some parents may think of snoring in kids is even cute.

The study adds to the evidence that shows second-hand smoke can be damaging, especially to young children who are still developing.

Qingdao University researchers combined and rebadysed data from previous studies, which had taken place in a range of countries.

They compared the exposure of tobacco smoke to their usual risk of becoming habitual snorer. 19659002] Experts led by Dr. Ke Sun discovered exposure to smoke before and after birth to a child's odds of habitual snoring, compared to unexposed kids.

Youngsters exposed to smoke while their mothers were pregnant were almost tw


The end of smoking may well be in sight as 200,000 people gave up the habit last year in England, official statistics showed this week.

Government data revealed 14.9 per cent of adults in the country smoked in 2017 – The equivalent of 6.1 million people.

This article is available from the United States.

Charities Branding the Data 'encouraging', Also known around the world as an extra 70,000 smokers from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland also

After birth, children whose mothers were smokers were 87 per cent more likely to snore than unexplained children.

home, including fathers who smoked, raised the risk by around 45 percent

and the younger a child, the most vulnerable they are, according to the study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Dr. Sun and colleagues note their study does not examine how to smoke cigarettes.

Dr. Sophie Balk, a pediatrician at Children's Hospital at Montefiore in New York, who was not involved in the badysis, welcomed the study

She said: 'People who smoke should talk to their own doctors,

'Medications – such as nicotine replacement therapies'

Dr. Balk added: 'Quitting tobacco use is the best way to preserve your life' your health and the health of your children. '

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