Chinese PM calls for severe punishment in vaccine scandal | New


SHANGHAI (Reuters) – Chinese Premier Li Keqiang called for an immediate investigation into a scandal over defective vaccines that he said had crossed a moral line, and called for to crack down on the companies and people involved. It erupted a week ago after the leading vaccine manufacturer, Changsheng Biotechnology Co, violated human rabies vaccine manufacturing standards. However, there do not appear to be any reports of people injured by the vaccine or having contracted rabies after receiving it.

The case has angered the social media and dealt a blow to the Chinese drug regulator who is struggling to clean In a statement posted on the government website Sunday night, Mr. Li said that the public deserved a clear explanation.

"We will resolutely repress illegal and illegal practices. criminal acts that endanger the lives of people, punish offenders violently in accordance with the law, and severely and severely criticize the failure to monitor, "he said. Sunday night, his investigation had revealed that Changsheng manufactured production records and product inspection records, and arbitrarily changed the process parameters and equipment, "serious violations" of In a stock market statement Sunday , the company said its suspension of rabies vaccine production would have a significant impact on its finances and that some regional disease control agencies had suspended some of its other vaccines.

Changsheng shares fell to 10.5% on Friday to settle at 14.5 yuan ($ 2.14). They have lost 40% of their value since July 13th.

An editorial published Monday in the China Daily warned that the case could become a public health crisis if it was not treated "in a reasonable and transparent manner". "The government must act as soon as possible to let the public know that it is resolved to solve the problem and will mercilessly punish all the perpetrators," he added.

"Those who dare to question the financial results Sunday, the Xinhua News Agency has published an editorial calling for severe penalties for any offense, large or small, in the vaccine industry and The China Securities News also weighed in, saying that listed companies – like Changsheng Biotechnology – have a duty to the public and conduct business with integrity.

ngsheng Biotechnology, where laws and regulations are ignored and internal controls only exist in the name bring a painful price. "State media said the listed company made a public apology and recalled all their rabies vaccines available on the market.

(Report by John Ruwitch, Edition by Michael Perry)

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