Chinese scientist doubles in defense of CRISPR babies


Pushing the boundaries of scientific ethics, a Chinese scientist defends his decision to produce babies with modified CRISPR genes.

As we have reported several times over the past years and months, the science behind the gene-editing tool called CRISPR has been found revolutionary, but it remains at a level and it may be too early to know the consequences. .

For example, some research has shown that its DNA splicing that is harmful to the genome may have unforeseen negative consequences elsewhere in our genetic code. At the same time, other research suggests that the vast majority of humans could be immune to its effects in their current form.

However, earlier this week, the scientific world was stunned by the claims of Chinese scientist He Jiankui of the South African University of Science and Technology (SUST) in Shenzhen that he had succeeded – and secretly – produced two children whose genomes had been modified with the help of CRISPR to make them resistant to HIV.

The consequences were swift, Feng Zhang, one of the co-inventors of CRISPR, even going as far as to demand a moratorium on its use for the modification of embryos in the treatment of IVF. Dr. Jennifer Doudna, co-inventor, strongly criticized He's claims, saying that this could be detrimental to future research using CRISPR to treat and treat diseases in humans.

In response, he announced today (28 November) at the International Summit on Genome Modification that he felt "proud" of the same achievement, described by some scientists as "a frightening act that threatens to question the field of therapeutic genomic modification ".

"Seriously breaks the ethical and academic standards"

In fact, instead of backing off, the scientist said that he had already started another study involving another pregnant woman who was likely to give birth to a child whose embryo had been altered at the same time. CRISPR help. His only apology was for announcing the latest results before the work was peer reviewed.

In addition to receiving international criticism, he would also be investigated in his home country, China, of the Shenzhen City Medical Ethics Experts Committee. In a statement, the commission said that, according to its findings, the hospital involved "has never made the appropriate notification according to need".

SUST's president, Chen Shiyi, has completely distanced the university from He's actions, saying that she was unaware of the study, which would "seriously violate the norms and standards." ethical and academic regulations ".

The last lecture he gave at the summit attracted considerable attention from academics and journalists, with security guards being placed near the auditorium before and during the conference.

Again, trying to alleviate the concerns, he said that the twins – Lulu and Nana – would be monitored over the next 18 years and that the researcher hoped "that they would consent as adults to a surveillance and continued support. "

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