Chris Hughes congratulated on having a testicular testis this morning


Viewers took advantage of Twitter to salute the courage of Love Island star Chris Hughes for organizing a live testicular exam this morning this morning.

The 25-year-old, anxious to raise awareness about testicular cancer and other related problems, dropped the pants so that 76-year-old Dr. Chris Steele could show how an exam is going.

Chris happily showed a long scar on his own testicle while he was talking about his shock-related health and told Phillip Schofield, 56, and Rochelle Humes, 29, of what his bad parents had lived.

Increased awareness: Love Island's Chris Hughes was praised by his fans for his LIVE testicular exam this morning on Wednesday ... as a result of his own mental health alert (MailOnline rasterized)

Increased awareness: Love Island's Chris Hughes was praised by his fans for his LIVE testicular exam this morning on Wednesday ... as a result of his own mental health alert (MailOnline rasterized)

Increased awareness: Love Island's Chris Hughes was praised by his fans for his LIVE testicular exam this morning on Wednesday … as a result of his own mental health alert (MailOnline rasterized)

Personal woes: Chris told Phillip Schofield and Rochelle Humes that his male parents also had problems with manhood, including cancer and infertility.

Personal woes: Chris told Phillip Schofield and Rochelle Humes that his male parents also had problems with manhood, including cancer and infertility.

Personal woes: Chris told Phillip Schofield and Rochelle Humes that his male parents also had problems with manhood, including cancer and infertility.

He said: "I was diagnosed with two distinct conditions. I have undergone operations but there has been no long term damage.

Chris explained, "I was about 14 years old and I noticed an accumulation of veins and I finally watched it. [six years later, aged 20] and they talked about hospitals and I had three operations on my left testicle, and it was more a question of safety in case of infertility, because the veins were taking oxygen.

My sperm count was quite low, I had a hydrocele. I had four operations on them.

No need to be shy: Chris revealed that he had frozen his sperm after being operated on for varicocele at the left testicle - he noticed that he was 14, but he did not have it. has not been verified before 20 years.

No need to be shy: Chris revealed that he had frozen his sperm after being operated on for varicocele at the left testicle - he noticed that he was 14, but he did not have it. has not been verified before 20 years.

No need to be shy: Chris revealed that he had frozen his sperm after being operated on for varicocele at the left testicle – he noticed that he was 14, but he did not have it. has not been verified before 20 years.

He added, "My two brothers are completely sterile, but one of them managed to have a miracle baby. My only brother will not have a single spunk in his body & # 39;

He added, "My two brothers are completely sterile, but one of them managed to have a miracle baby. My only brother will not have a single spunk in his body & # 39;

He added, "My two brothers are completely sterile, but one of them managed to have a miracle baby. My only brother will not have a single spunk in his body & # 39;

Chris also told Dr. Steele, "My cousin had testicular cancer. It was only when he had severe stomach cramps, where the cancer had gnawed him, that he was diagnosed ".

Chris also told Dr. Steele, "My cousin had testicular cancer. It was only when he had severe stomach cramps, where the cancer had gnawed him, that he was diagnosed ".

Chris also told Dr. Steele, "My cousin had testicular cancer. It was only when he had severe stomach cramps, where the cancer had gnawed him, that he was diagnosed ".

Previously, Chris had stated that he had waited until the age of 20 to see a doctor because he felt embarrbaded, but he has since realized that he was not there. should not have.


In the early stages, testicular cancer usually presents as a hard mbad or swelling of the testis.

The size is usually painless and its size can vary considerably, but usually corresponds to the size of a pea and is located at the front or side of the testicle.

People with testicular cancer will not all show a mbad in their testicles.

  • Any enlargement or change in the appearance or feel of the testicle
  • A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
  • Dull pain in the testicle, lower abdomen (stomach) or groin
  • A collection of fluid in the scrotum.

The symptoms can be subtle and therefore easily forgotten. That's why it's so important to familiarize yourself with the feel of your testicles when they are healthy.

If the cancer is not detected early, it can spread to other parts of the body and you can develop symptoms in other parts of the body than the affected testicle.

These included:

  • Back ache
  • breathlessness
  • Decreased libido
  • Tired
  • A cough
  • Swelling and tenderness in the chest

However, the good news is that testicular cancer is very treatable, with a cure rate of about 95%.

Source: The Josh Carrick Foundation

He continued, "It surrounded my left side and I had a keyhole [surgery] in my haunted area but it did not work and I have a big scar in the pubic area where they cut and wound veins in this area to restore them, hopefully lightly. & # 39;

Explaining how he had frozen his cum at the same time, Chris replied: "I did it. My two brothers are completely sterile … Although a brother has a child now, he was a miracle child.

"But my other brother, Will, has no sperm in his body. My account was pretty low but I had it frozen.

"In total, I had four operations [on my testicles]. And my cousin had testicular cancer. It was secondary because he only discovered [he had a problem] after suffering terrible stomach cramps … & # 39;

According to Cancer Research UK figures, about 2,400 men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer each year in their home countries.

Twitter was unleashed and once they overcame the shock of nudity from Chris' appearance on daytime television, they praised his actions.

They wrote: "Fair play @ chrishughes_22 who takes a lot of balls to do it and raise awareness. #thismorning #punintended. & # 39;

• So much respect for @ chrishughes_22 telling his story and doing a live review on @thismorning # Movember2018. & # 39;

& # 39; @ chrishughes_22 brave move on #thismorning today Chris. Well done. Show these guys that there is nothing to fear or to hinder. & # 39;

"Huge respect for Chris Hughes, who checks his information this morning to help men find out what they are looking for. Potentially save lives.

& # 39; @ chrishughes_22 Well done to educate people today at #thismorning Even if you inspire another guy to have the guts to get tested, you've done a great job. & # 39;

Phillip congratulated Chris for his bravery and Rochelle asked him why he thought more men were not properly controlled.

Support: Twitter was overwhelmed by comments about Chris' courage in disarming to raise awareness of health issues.

Support: Twitter was overwhelmed by comments about Chris' courage in disarming to raise awareness of health issues.

Support: Twitter was overwhelmed by comments about Chris' courage in disarming to raise awareness of health issues.

He did well: Phillip congratulated Chris for his bravery and asked him why he thinks more men are not properly controlled because it is so important.

He did well: Phillip congratulated Chris for his bravery and asked him why he thinks more men are not properly controlled because it is so important.

He did well: Phillip congratulated Chris for his bravery and asked him why he thinks more men are not properly controlled because it is so important.

Chris replied, "Everyone thinks they know their body and it's so much easier to approach that fact.

& # 39; You wash yourself, but do not use your fingertips properly.

"Yes, there is no need for a website, but you can go to and you will find a lot of information.

"It's a shame that people are so shy, doctors have seen everything."

See for more information.


Dr. Steele explained how to examine the testes for cancer, showing men to place their fingers behind the testicle with their thumbs in front.

Using the finger and thumb pads instead of the tips, the thumb should be gently rolled from the top to the bottom of the testicle in front and on the sides and then back up.

This should be done on both sides and the testicles should be smooth and firm.

But if a mbad can be felt – perhaps the size of a pea and a firm business – the doctor needs to look at it.

Dr. Steele said the 10-second simple exam is easy to perform and is usually the way to detect testicular cancer.

Chris noticed a varicocele while he was only 14 years old. These occur when the veins of the skin sac that hold the testicles enlarge and have been described as resembling a "bag of worms".

Varicoceles are a common cause of low sperm production, which can lead to infertility. They can also prevent the testes from developing normally or shrink.

They often have no symptoms but can cause sharp or dull pain that worsens when standing and becomes progressively more uncomfortable during the day.

Although it is not known exactly what causes them, varicoceles usually develop during puberty and are probably due to an alteration of blood flow in the testes.

Treatment is not always necessary, as many patients become fathers. However, surgery can redirect blood flow into the testes, which can relieve infertility.

Doing Good: Chris shared a clip on Instagram stories after the show inviting men to check their testicles

Doing Good: Chris shared a clip on Instagram stories after the show inviting men to check their testicles

Doing Good: Chris shared a clip on Instagram stories after the show inviting men to check their testicles

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