Written by Rachel Popa |
July 27, 2018 |
<a href = "http://www.beckersasc.com/gastroenterology-and-endoscopy/colorectal-cancer-screenings-on-the-rise-but-still-below-cdc-target-3-important- facts.html? tmpl = component & print = 1 "title =" Print article < Colorectal cancer screenings on the rise, but still below CDC target: 3 important facts > "onclick =" window.open (this.href, & # 39; win2 & # 39 ;, & # 39 ;, status = no, toolbar = no, scroll bar = yes, title bar = no, menubar = no, resizable = yes, width = 640, height = 480, directories = no, location = no & # 39 ;); return false; "rel =" nofollow ">
A new CDC study published in Preventing Chronic Disease showed that cancer screening rates such as those for colorectal cancer have improved, but are still below CDC targets , Researchers badyzed data on cancer screening rates from the National Health Survey conducted by the Census Bureau for the period from 2000 to 2015 and compared it to targets set by CDC Healthy People 2020.
Here are three takeaways:
1. Of all the types of cancer screening included in the study, only colorectal cancer screening rates increased in the years studied. Among women aged 50 to 75, 63.4% reported having recently been screened for colorectal cancer – 61.9% of men. The goal of the CDC for 2020 is 70%.
2. People without health insurance, low income or facing other barriers like not having a primary care physician were the least likely to have undergone cancer screening.
"Our badysis of the NHIS 2015 showed that in the middle of the Healthy People 2020 decade, estimates of cervical, bad and colorectal cancer screening tests are well below Healthy People 2020 goals, "wrote the authors
. complete survey.
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