Columbus continues to follow the trend on the statewide scale of increased drug



New data from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) details drug trends in the state

GBI data come from about 4,000 drug cases in Georgia. Local officials say this is an even bigger story detailing what is happening in communities.

"I look five years after the first pill." For Wyatt, he said his story was his testimony, he is currently working full time at the Teen Challenge, the same place for which he has contributed.

He says that it was not so long ago, he was fighting against a prescription drug addiction, stimulated by a mixture of pressure and popularity among teens.

"I did not see an outcome. I was 24 years old and I was like, hey, I'll be an addict for the rest of my life, it was the only thing I knew, there was never any challenge to find the drug, and things have just progressed, "Wyatt

The GBI recognizes the drugs of choice in the state of Georgia.

Opioids are one of the most widely used drugs abused in the state, according to the GBI report.

In Columbus, officials In the Adult Drugs Court, the number of cases of opioid abuse doubled from 26 to 57% between 2016 and 20 17.

"While we see the increase in funding and the fight against the opioid epidemic, what we are seeing in reality is that it is a good thing. is the rise and resurgence of the methamphetamine epidemic. Because we are fighting so hard against opioids, methamphetamines are coming back, "said Dayna Solomon, Coordinator of Adult Drug Courts


The program is credited for helping to overcome drug addiction and provide a meaningful gateway, other than prison.

While the court of accountability is established to address the drug problem, Wyatt says that violence must be a personal goal.

"There is always hope, no matter how you feel, even in the darkest part, just make the decision to make a change," said Wyatt

Wyatt directs currently the ambbadadors of Compbadion at Teen Challenge.The program provides a leadership and development program for middle and high school students and helps to encourage good decisions.

If you or someone you know are With addiction, you can contact the Teen Challenge Support Line at 855-934-HOPE

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