Consumer Reports: Preventing Skin Cancer With Sunscreen


Nearly five million people are treated for skin cancer in the United States each year. This makes it the most common form of cancer in the country. But it is often avoidable. Consumer Reports offers three simple steps to prevent skin cancer this summer and beyond.

About a third of American adults have sunburns each year. If you have spent time in the sun, there is a good chance that you have a story of sunburn to share.

Sunburn can increase the risk of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Skin cancer is preventable, "said Dr. Maritza Perez, a dermatologist.

The best way to prevent skin cancer is to protect yourself from the sun's ultraviolet rays. skin cancer prevention is to use good sunscreen and apply it properly.

"Consumer Reports recommends using sunscreen with a SPF of at least 40 which contains active chemical ingredients, such as avobenzone. 15 minutes before going out, "says Trisha Calvo, Editor-in-Chief of Consumer Reports Health

It's also important to remember that sunscreen can not protect you 100%.
Use clothing to cover your skin, sunglbades to protect your eyes and brimmed hats to protect your ears and neck.

The third step is to look for shade, like an umbrella or a leafy tree, noon. The sun's rays are the strongest between 10am and 4pm, in the spring and summer and between 9am and 3pm

Even though it's cloudy, up to 90% of the sun's harmful UV rays penetrate into your skin

"You must avoid exposure to the sun every day because the sun is there with you" If you have a sunburn, Consumer Reports recommends taking a cool shower or a bath and d & # 's Use a soothing lotion, such as aloe vera .. Pren ez an anti-inflammatory like aspirin or ibuprofen and drink a lot of water. If the burn is severe, consult a doctor.

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