Cow called Knickers TOO BIG to kill and dominates the rest of the flock at 6 feet and 4 inches


A cow called Knickers is too big to be killed and striking images show her dominating the rest of the herd.

Knickers weighs 220 feet and measures an enormous height of 4 feet – but its gigantic size allows him to live his days wandering the fields in Western Australia.

Its owner, Geoff Pearson, tried to sell knickers at auction last month, but meat processors said they could not take it because it was too big.

Knickers is a Holstein Frisian, but is much larger than other cows of the same breed.

Knickers dominates a herd of wagyu cattle

Fortunately for Knickers, he avoided the slaughterhouse and will spend the rest of his life in the Preston Lake fattening park in Myalup, located about 90 km south of Perth.

Incredible images and images show Knickers dominating a herd of wagyu cattle.

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Knickers has sparked keen interest since a local news channel has drawn attention to the oversized cow.

He first bought Knickers as a coach, a neutered male cow called steer that leads to other cattle.

"He has always been remarkable among the others, a little bigger than the others," said Pearson.

The cow measures 6 feet and 4 inches tall

Knickers stands out from the crowd

While some of Knickers' "companions" were slaughtered at an early age, Knickers "was a standout, so we thought we'd leave him there, he's not hurting anyone."

However, they quickly realized that he had not stopped growing and that he is now too big to be sent to the slaughterhouse.

Mr. Pearson thinks that Knickers will live for a few more years and says he is loved by other cattle that follow him.

The farmer, who has 20,000 cattle, also revealed how he invented this unusual name.

Knickers will now live the rest of his life in the paddocks with other cows

He said: "When he was young, when we first got him, we had a brahman braer [a breed of cattle] who was one of his friends.

"So, it was called bra … so we [had] bra and panties.

"We never thought it would turn into fat panties."

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Bellino was measured on March 27, 2010 in Rome.

He stands at an incredible 6 feet 6.5 inches tall.

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