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CHIPPEWA FALLS – The Chippewa County Health Department reports that a dead guinea pig found in Chippewa County was tested positive for West Nile virus on June 28th.
The first positive West Nile virus bird in Chippewa County. for the virus transmitted by mosquitoes began on May 1, according to a statement posted on the county's official website.
"The positive bird means that residents of Chippewa County must be more vigilant in their personal protective measures to prevent mosquito bites," said County Public Health Director Angela Weideman [19659008] West Nile virus is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito.M mosquitoes acquire the virus by feeding on infected birds.Most people – about 80% – infected with the virus of West Nile do not get sick, those who fall sick have symptoms such as fever, headaches, muscle aches, rashes and fatigue Chippewa County residents need to be aware of the Nile virus and take simple steps to protect yourself from mosquito bites "West Nile virus is here to stay, so the best way to avoid the disease is to to provide exposure and to eliminate mosquito breeding grounds. "
The Department of Health recommends the following:
and at dusk, when mosquitoes are most active.
• Apply an insect repellent containing DEET, IR3535, picaridin or lemon eucalyptus oil on exposed skin and clothing
• Prevent mosquitoes from growing Reproduce by removing stagnant water from objects around your property, such as cans, plastic containers, flowerpots, used tires, gutters, and downspouts. , boats and canoes when they are not used. Change the water of bird baths and pet dishes at least every three days.
• Clean and chlorinate swimming pools, outdoor saunas and hot tubs; drain the water from the pool lids.
• Landscape to prevent water from accumulating in low areas and cutting tall grbad, weeds and vines because mosquitoes use these areas to rest during the hot hours. has been monitoring the spread of West Nile Virus since 2001 among wild birds, horses, mosquitoes and humans. DHS will continue monitoring West Nile virus until the end of the mosquito season. To report a sick or dead crow, a blue jay or a raven, call the Dead Bird Reporting Information Line at 800-433-1610.
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