Cyber ​​crime for Dummies: cracking Internet passwords is as easy as 123456 | Technology


Cybercriminals are resorting to increasingly insidious scams to convince internet users to reveal valuable information online. Yet, millions of people have spared the scammers the task of deploying cunning and temptation by choosing strangely simple pbadwords, which feature in a new list of favorites for online security screamers.

One of them, for example, is "pbadword".

According to a full report from the National Cyber ​​Security Center, just type the word to allow fraudsters to access 3.6 million accounts worldwide.

However, it was far from the most common pbadword to offer them easy access. Some 23.2 million people used "123456" as a pbadword, only to find that their code was cracked. Another 3.8 million were intercepted using "qwerty" – the first six letters at the top left of a standard keyboard.

The worrying failures of online security emerged during a review of the 100,000 pbadwords to be unlocked by online fraudsters by the NCSC – a division of the GCHQ intelligence agency. By using favorite names, football teams, groups and fictional characters have also exposed millions of people to hacking. The advice of the center is simple: using three random words as a pbadword should protect your information.

This proves that British Internet users are seriously worried about the possibility of being defrauded online. More than two-fifths (42%) expect to lose money because of Internet fraud by 2021, according to the first "Cybersurvey" conducted in the UK by the NCSC.

According to the country's intelligence and security agency, 3.8 million people use "qwerty" as their pbadword.

According to the country's intelligence and security agency, 3.8 million people use "qwerty" as their pbadword. A photograph: Alamy

While 89% use the Internet to shop online, 39% do so every week, only 15% say they know a lot about how to protect themselves from harmful activities. One-third reported relying on friends and family for advice. Less than half do not always use a strong and distinct pbadword for their email account.

Compromised pbadword data was obtained from global breaches that are already in the public domain, sold or shared by hackers. Favorite names, sports teams and musicians have also been hundreds of thousands of times among the best hacked pbadwords.

Some 432,276 accounts used the name "ashley", while "michael" was used 425,291 times. Football fans have also left their love for their club to reduce their defenses. The pbadword "liverpool" was violated 280 723 times, "chelsea" 216 677 times and "arsenal" 179 095 times.

Groups were another weak point. Although "blink182" may seem like a powerful email, 285,706 people saw it violated as a pbadword. As for comic book characters, "superman" was the most popular, with 333,139 hacked accounts using it.

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