Death Stranding Release Date Announced by Walmart Canada


By Robert Workman

Hideo Kojima Grounding of death is a project immersed in mystery over the last few months, with pieces of the game and its cast of starry stars, but with no real hint about the story. However, a new list suggests that we can get our hands on the game pretty quickly.

Grounding of death

In response to a tweet from Geoff Keighley about The Game Awards Walmart Canada posted the following tweet, stating that the upcoming PlayStation 4 game would debut next June, after a user named Yinob found the date on the Walmart page.

Make it your own.

– Yinob (@yoyinob) November 28, 2018

Hi Yinob. According to the information given for this article, it is a preorder that will be shipped in June.

– Walmart Canada (@WalmartCanada) November 28, 2018

Do not forget that Walmart Canada has infamously celebrated several E3 surprises prior to the show earlier this year, including the existence of one. Rage Bethesda sequel, among other games that would eventually be revealed.

However, there are several things to keep in mind. First, Sony did not release an official release date and Kojima did not say either.

Secondly, all we know is that Walmart just plays with the tweet, mainly because Keighley specifically mentioned Walmart Canada, as you can see below.

Today, we are beginning the transition to #TheGameAwards world first earth. There are many games we will not talk about before the show (All eyes on you @WalmartCanada) but we have some good things to tease / announce in the coming week.

– Geoff Keighley (@geoffkeighley) November 28, 2018

So, the information is not finalized by any means. Still, a summer outing would not be a bad thing. and that would give some traction to Sony before the fall.

And keep in mind that Kojima's appearances at the Game Awards were rather competitive; and it is quite possible that it will reveal a release date in a week only, when the show will take place on December 6th.

So keep your eyes open for this one – we could finally have a good idea of ​​when Grounding of death come our way!

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