Dementia: Do you often have a fainting spell? You may be at higher risk of developing dementia later


WASHINGTON DC [USA]: People who feel weak, dizzy or dizzy when they get up – caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure – are at greater risk of developing dementia or stroke. decades later.

The study, published in the journal of the American Academy of Neurology, involved 11,709 people with an average age of 54 years who were followed for 25 years on average.

Participants met with researchers up to five times during the course of the study. None had a history of heart disease or stroke at the beginning of the study.

"Orthostatic hypotension has been badociated with heart disease, fainting and falls, so we wanted to conduct a large study to determine if this form of hypotension was also related to brain problems, especially dementia, "said Andreea Rawlings. , from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the United States.

For the study, resting blood pressure was defined as a fall of at least 20 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) in systolic blood pressure, which is the pressure in the blood vessels when the heart beats, or at least 10 mmHg in diastolic blood pressure, the pressure when the heart is at rest. Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80 mmHg.

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<p>  During the initial examination, participants were examined for orthostatic hypotension. They were asked to lie down for 20 minutes, then to get up from a gentle, fast motion.
<p>  Blood pressure was taken five times while standing. The researchers determined the average readings and then calculated the difference from the participant's mean resting blood pressure.
<p>  The researchers determined that 552 participants, or 4.7 percent, had orthostatic hypotension at the beginning of the study.
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Food items you should eat and avoid, by your blood type

Choose the right food for your body

Aug 20, 2017

Eating food based on your "blood type" helps to better digestion, increases energy levels and prevents diseases and diseases. In addition, it also helps you lose weight.

Deepika Dua Arora, Dietician Mutation Diet Clinic talks about the relationship between the blood group and the nutritional aspect of the food consumed.

Here are the foods you must consume and avoid, depending on your blood group – A, B, O and AB.

(Image: ThinkStock)

They monitored the participants throughout the study for dementia and stroke with study visits and by examining the medical records. During the study, 1,068 people developed dementia and 842 had ischemic stroke, a stroke where blood flow is blocked in one part of the brain.

The researchers found that those who suffered from orthostatic hypotension at the start of the study were 54% more likely to develop dementia than those who did not have orthostatic hypotension at the beginning of the study.

A total of 999 of 11,156 without orthostatic hypotension, or 9%, developed dementia, compared with 69 of 552 people with orthostatic hypotension, or 12.5%.

In addition, those with orthostatic hypotension had twice the risk of ischemic stroke. In total, 15.2%, or 84 of 552 people with orthostatic hypotension, had ischemic stroke, compared to 6.8%, or 758 of 11,157 people without orthostatic hypotension.

There was no badociation with bleeding strokes.

"The measurement of orthostatic hypotension in middle-aged people might be a new way to identify people who need to be closely monitored for dementia or stroke. brain, "said Rawlings.

"More studies are needed to clarify what may be behind these links, as well as to explore possible prevention strategies," she said.

The calm nerves, a healthy heart: the ladies, here is the health guide …

Me before you

March 6, 2018

An altruistic mother, a loving daughter, a devoted wife or a boss; No matter what role a woman plays in everyday life, she does it with the utmost pbadion. From house management to show management at work, and while taking the time to spend quality time with family and friends, women manage to do everything.

But in all the hustle and bustle, they often forget themselves. Making a priority is not at the top of the list and health is taken for granted.

However, it is extremely important to take care of yourself and to start taking care of your health.

Dolly Kumar, Founder and Director at Gaia, shares 5 tips for women to stay healthy

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